Also what changed in the Forum? Previously I could paste text from MS Word. Now when paste text, it shows up in the editor, but I receive an error message saying that my post must include content when I try to post or preview it.
Drag the DLL into the c:\windows\assembly folder and then copy the DLL and XML file to c:\program files\common files\microfour\strataframe .
Then go back into Visual Studio and you should be good to go! Sorry for any troubles.
Larry, did you get out of Visual STudio, drag the files into the GAC, then go back in with the same results? We had reproduced it here and everything seems to be working within our test beds...please let me know so I can investigate further is necessary.
Just to let you know, the fix worked fine over here. I had the same problem.
Guess I owe Trent a beer.