Sorry about the code. I just typed it in, so I likely made a mistake.
The concept that is important here is that .NET is strongly typed. That means that the compiler will see a control as a control, even if it is a subclass of a control, like a combobox. The Controls collection is a collection of System.Control objects. A combobox is NOT a System.Control, though it inherits from it. Thus when you attempted to access a method of a combobox on the object returned from the Controls collection, it bombed, as System.Control doesn't have the Requery() method. Since you know that the object really is a combobox however, you can cast it to the correct type.
There are two ways to cast things in VB: DirectCast() and CType(). Apparently DirectCast is faster in some instances. You can cast an object to its native type, any type it inherits from or to any interface it implements. The object browser is your friend when figuring stuff like this out.
Finally, I've been using "combobox" very loosely here. Actually, you'd need to define the actual, specific type. If you were using a normal .NET combo, I believe it would be System.Windows.Forms.ComboBox. If you are using the SF combobox, it would be something like Microfour.StrataFrame.UI.Windows.Forms.ComboBox. I think there might be sub classes for devex and infragistics in SF too, in which case you'd use those specific types when casting. Again, use the object browser and intellisense to figure out exactly what type you need to cast to. At first this was a pain, but I've come to really like the strong typed approach.
I also came from mostly MS Access background, so I'm familiar with the pain of getting up to speed in .NET. After about 9 months heads down with .NET and SF I'm starting to get it
The cool thing I've found is that tasks usually easier in .NET, once you figure them out...
...hence the pain! Without this forum, the pain would have been fatal
I'm glad you got it working. A property or method is often the way to go if you need to let the parent form manipulate something on the user control.