How to populate comboboxes with options such as M/F for Male/Female (longer lists of course)

How to populate comboboxes with options such as M/F for Male/Female...
StrataFrame Beginner (43 reputation)StrataFrame Beginner (43 reputation)StrataFrame Beginner (43 reputation)StrataFrame Beginner (43 reputation)StrataFrame Beginner (43 reputation)StrataFrame Beginner (43 reputation)StrataFrame Beginner (43 reputation)StrataFrame Beginner (43 reputation)StrataFrame Beginner (43 reputation)
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In .NET it is usual (recommended?) to use integers and ennumerations to identify options.  Nevertheless, I still like to use single letters such as M/F for Male/Female etc and I can get away with it since I don't deal in multilingual apps.

The question is, what is the best way to I populate comboxes using Strataframe in those cases?



Peter Jones
Peter Jones
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Hi ALex,

You can still use an enum but show a single letter (or a full name) to the user. Our enum BO's just have the following code:

    Private Sub boenBatchTypes_ParentFormLoading() Handles Me.ParentFormLoading
        Dim ColDesc As String = "Description"
        Dim dt As New Data.DataTable

        dt = MicroFour.StrataFrame.Tools.Common.BuildDataTableFromEnum(GetType(UtilEnums.clsEnum.BatchTypes))

        ' Localise Batch names
        For i As Integer = 0 To dt.Rows.Count - 1
            dt.Rows.Item(i).Item(ColDesc) = UtilLocalisation.clsLocalise.Localise(dt.Rows.Item(i).Item(ColDesc).ToString)

        dt.DefaultView.Sort = ColDesc
        Me.CopyDataFrom(dt.DefaultView.ToTable, MicroFour.StrataFrame.Business.BusinessCloneDataType.ClearAndFillFromCompleteTable)

        dt = Nothing
    End Sub

In this example:

.BuildDataTableFromEnum - standard SF function to extract our "batch name" enums and creates a data table

UtilLocalisation.. - is our own function to localise the enum description.

Me.CopyDataFrom - standard SF sub to load the populate the BO.

Easy as and works a treat.

Cheers, Peter

Greg McGuffey
Greg McGuffey
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You might also use an attribute on each enum value to indicate an alternate value to use. See this post:
StrataFrame Beginner (43 reputation)StrataFrame Beginner (43 reputation)StrataFrame Beginner (43 reputation)StrataFrame Beginner (43 reputation)StrataFrame Beginner (43 reputation)StrataFrame Beginner (43 reputation)StrataFrame Beginner (43 reputation)StrataFrame Beginner (43 reputation)StrataFrame Beginner (43 reputation)
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Thank you Peter,

I am still a newbie so I can' t tell from reading your code if your technique stores a number or a character in the table?  I'd like to store a character in the table.

Similar problem with optionbuttons.  How do you handle that one?



Peter Jones
Peter Jones
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Hi Alex,

We store the enum (integer) value so the above wouldn't work for you.

I've never had to do the same with an option group so I can't help with that one.

Cheers, Peter

StrataFrame Beginner (43 reputation)StrataFrame Beginner (43 reputation)StrataFrame Beginner (43 reputation)StrataFrame Beginner (43 reputation)StrataFrame Beginner (43 reputation)StrataFrame Beginner (43 reputation)StrataFrame Beginner (43 reputation)StrataFrame Beginner (43 reputation)StrataFrame Beginner (43 reputation)
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Posts: 35, Visits: 138
Thank you Peter.


Trent Taylor
Trent Taylor
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The question is, what is the best way to I populate comboxes using Strataframe in those cases?

You can use any data type you need as it relates to binding.  In this example you may not want to use an enum, as these will always be stored as an integer.  You will want to create your data source manually:

Dim myTable As New DataTable("")
Dim newRow As DataRow

'-- Create the columns
myTable.Columns.Add("value", GetType(String))

'-- Then populate your table
newRow = MyTable.NewRow()
newRow.Items("display") = "Apple"
newRow.Items("value") = "A"

'-- Once populated, set the combo
MyCombo.DisplayMember = "display"
MyCombo.ValueMember = "value"
MyCombo.DataSource = MyTable

You will bind to the combo just as you would for an enum, the difference is that the SelectedValue or value member of the combo will bind to the [value] field in the table which you have defined as a string, which in return will allow you to bind to a character field, which ultimately gets saved back to the database as character.  Hope this helps. Smile


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