Trying to update a record I recieve the following error:"Cannot create UPDATE command because a business object with PrimaryKeyIsAutoIncremented = True must have exactly 1 primary key field"
This error makes sense since I have specified two keys for the table I'm updating. Now I'm not here to discuss the merits of combined keys (not my database design) I'd like to know how to best handle this situation. If I don't specify both fields as keys then the delete SP call does not send both fields. If I do set up two keys then I get the above error. And since the database is most definatly handling the field incrementing turning that off seems a bad idea. Is there an easy way around this or do I need to go hog tie our DBA? btw, if it matters this is Oracle (of course).
I presume you know that SF will handle the CRUD without the use of stored procedures. I can imagine this may not be an option for you, i.e. your shop mandates procs, just thought I would mention it.
Cheers, Peter
So to address this I tried including the two fields I set as keys in the FieldsToExcludeFromUpdate list and tried my update again. This time I get an error about keys not existing in the table.
What am I doing wrong here?
I do not beleive this is a bug, but I never like to rule anything out . It sounds to me that the sproc is not correct. Based on this thread alone there is not enough information to diagnose your problem. The first thing that I would do is turn on debugging for your data source:
This will show you what is being sent via the DAL to the database. You could then compare this to the actual SPROC to see what is going on. This is the first place I would look.
Do a search of the forum for Oracle and you will find a lot fo threads where other developers have setup SPs for Oracle which may give you some ideas.
I think I've tracked the composite key issue down to BuildUpdateCommand_SP in OracleDataSourceItem.vb
The SqlDataSourceItem.vb version of BuildUpdateCommand_SP has the following logic that I don't see in the Oracle version.
If Not QueryInfo.PrimaryKeyFieldIsAutoInc ThenloParam.ParameterName &= "_ORGPK"End If
The BuildUpdateCommand_SP is definatly building the SP with two copies of the primary keys when I define more than one in the BOM. One copy each for the values contained in the QueryInfo.Fields collection and one for the values QueryInfo.PrimaryKeyFields collection.
I'll build you an example project if you'd like.
I'm thinking it has something to do with the PrimaryKeyFields property because the first iteration of the BuildUpdateCommand_SP should not include the PK fields, so they shouldn't be added twice.