Trent Taylor
Group: StrataFrame Developers
Posts: 6.6K,
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This installation is a beta but will install to both VS2005 and VS2008. There are some samples that have not yet been included and this install does not yet have all of the enhancements and bug fixes that will be included in the final build. However, this is a stable build as we have been using it for quite some time. This is a great way to get going on 2008 easily for those developers who are moving forward. Also, the StrataFrame menu now has a new option...Version. We are planning on leaving the assembly version at so that your projects do not have to be changed and this installation can be implemented easily; however, the assemblies each have a file version which is how we will determine exactly which version you are on. You can get a listing of your assemblies and your current version by clicking the StrataFrame -> Version menu item within Visual Studio. If you run into anything related to the installation or interaction with VS 2008, please let us know via the forum. If you do not yet see that one bug fix or enhancement that you have been waiting for...please do not post those items as we still have a long list that we are working through to include in the final build. Thanks! One final note, this build does include updated DevExpress assemblies to 7.3.5 for those trial users who do not have source code yet.
Trent Taylor
Group: StrataFrame Developers
Posts: 6.6K,
Visits: 6.9K
The initial post was the wrong install and did not include the DevExpress updates and the version details as explained. This build should include all of those updates. Sorry
Trent Taylor
Group: StrataFrame Developers
Posts: 6.6K,
Visits: 6.9K
Here is another update. This update basically includes the template updates (and a few other bug fixes that were on the to-do list that will be detailed in the final build). The template updates include the DevExpress templates as well as some fixes to the Web Application template for VB.NET. A new web form template has been added for VS 2008 that allows a master page to be selected at the time of the web form creation...just saving a few steps. The samples are still not updated and you may run into some issues in this area.
Trent Taylor
Group: StrataFrame Developers
Posts: 6.6K,
Visits: 6.9K
Here is a cummulative beta installation that includes some new features as it relates to Row Guid primary keys as well as many other fixes. For those of you who are wanting to know, "What is in this build and what has changed." it is coming. This will be included once the samples and documentation have been updated which will probably be Release Candidate 1. If you are wondering if you should install this build, it never hurts, especially if you are already running on the 1.6.5 beta. An example of what is in this build is a new property added to the BusinessLayer called PrimaryKeyIsUpdatable, which by default doesn't need to be touched. For those developers who use Guid primary keys, I would recommend loading this build as the read-only errors and custom code to work around the updates for any table with a RowGuid PK is resolved. Simply set the PrimaryKeyIsAutoIncrementing and PrimaryKeyIsUpdatable properties on the BO to False and you should now be able to update a table with a Guid PK without issue. Additionally, there is a very simple sample that just shows how this PrimaryKeyIsUpdatable property works when updating a table with a Guid. Within the ZIP file there is a file called GuidTest.bak which is the SQL Server backup of the data that this sample uses. Restore this BAK file and then connect to the SQL Server to which you restored it when asked at the point of running the sample.
Trent Taylor
Group: StrataFrame Developers
Posts: 6.6K,
Visits: 6.9K
OK...there was a minor build issue that caused the Extensibility assembly to Obfuscate certain methods which prevented them from being seen when called...specficially the Wizard Control, Panel Manager Control, and Localization supported objects (i.e. Label) when accessing the designer commands on the property sheet (i.e. Method HandleAddPage not found). This build includes all of the previous enhancements plus...working designer commands.
Trent Taylor
Group: StrataFrame Developers
Posts: 6.6K,
Visits: 6.9K
This just goes to show you the importance of a beta here. In addition to the designer commands updated, this update includes: - Database Deployment Toolkit auto-generated update sprocs now respect row-guids (or non-autoincrementing PKs) and supports the new BO property PrimaryKeyIsUpdatable
- Installation now has the option to install sample programs but exclude the database install
Trent Taylor
Group: StrataFrame Developers
Posts: 6.6K,
Visits: 6.9K
The next installment  ... We are now starting to get into the heart of the enhancement requests (though many have already been done and there are more to come). This update includes all of the previous updates as well as: DDT Enhancements and Fixes (So far, there will be more before the final release) - Row Guid support for a UniqueIdentifier data type
- Ability to prevent the primary key index from being auto-generated
- Import now correctly imports columns that have been defined as a user-defined data type. The underlying data type of the user definition is used.
- Amongst quite a few others
Some of the Other Enhancements and Fixes - BrowseDialogClosed event now provides additional information giving the reason the dialog closed
- ThemedContainer title now properly crops when it exceeds the area provided.
- ThemedContainer now has a TransparentBackground and RenderBodyAsSolidColor to improve rendering performance when dealing with large forms and controls within the container.
- The DevExpress MaintenanceForm Toolstrip now accepts the standard BrowseDialog as well so either the DevExpress or standard SF BrowseDialog can be used.
- A solution preference has been added that allows the developer to specify whether or not to include functions in the query for list type editors such as the PopulationDataSourceSettings.
- and about 20+ others
As mentioned in previous posts, there will be a more detailed list once all of the fixes and enhancements have been completed. But this should at least give you an idea.
Trent Taylor
Group: StrataFrame Developers
Posts: 6.6K,
Visits: 6.9K
We are getting closer. Here is another build that has some more bug fixes and enhancements. The next installment will probably include some new help documentation (but possible not all).  - The DDT now performs a validation before building the package to warn of any object name history items that could come back to bite you.
- The BO Mapper now supports sorting (by default sorts by field name)
- All BindingField editors now sort by field name (those custom properties will now be easier to find
) - Security Key added as a Customization Wizard option in the BO Mapper
- Web Application Templates now have the web.config and global.asax files included
- along with around 10+ more bug fixes and enhancements
Note: The issue related to the DateTimePicker updating the BO and making it dirty under certain conditions has been reproduced and a fix is on the way but not included in this build.
Trent Taylor
Group: StrataFrame Developers
Posts: 6.6K,
Visits: 6.9K
Just about there...this build includes pretty much everything on our list that is to make it into the 1.6.5 build. This update does not yet include the new help documentation and samples. This will most likely be in the next post. Here are some items added to this build: - BO Mapper Return Alternate Value On Null partial class generation issues have been resolved
- The BO Mapper now supports the ability to provide or override the description that is assigned to the XML comment and attribute of a strong-typed property
- DateTimePicker fix when navigating from a field with a non-null value to another with a null value
- Domain combo box no longer throws an error when a child domain is not available or down
- Plus about 5+ others
Trent Taylor
Group: StrataFrame Developers
Posts: 6.6K,
Visits: 6.9K
There is not much difference here. We added a Try/Catch in a type editor for a specific user to try to determine an error on his side. So if you have loaded the previous release, then there is really no reason to load this build. Though if you haven't loaded an update in a while, this build includes all previous updates.