Aaron Young (04/08/2008)
I doubt I will be at the training in July. If we go for SF I will be expected to have progressed far by then. Also, distance is not on my side and it is hard to get a day off work let alone a week.Aaron, just so you know, this won't be your normal training class. First, the trainers (Trent and Ben) are first class .NET
application developers. Not only do they develop SF framework, but they also develop a medical app (to help doctors manage their business). The second item of importance, is that they are very generous in sharing their knowledge (which is reflected here on the forum as well). So, the training class is great to get a developer up to speed on the SF framework, and it also is a great forum to develop .NET application development skills, at just about any level.
I took the class last May. I had been working with the framework for about 6 months (and developing with .NET for about 6 months), so I wasn't a noob, but certainly no where near fully competent with either. The class not only helped me get more competent, but also really helped with just general application issues. I can't recommend it enough. It is the only training class I've been too that I would even consider taking again...and I consider taking it as often as I can. (I think Ivan goes every time...but then he has a pretty savvy boss
I completely understand the issues of distance and time, which is why I not planning on being their in July (at this point). But I thought you'd like to know this isn't your normal training class and well worth the cost, time and effort.