In VFP I enjoyed the comment / uncomment right click menu option for blocks of code. The closest I've been able to find in the VB 2008 IDE is a macro sample to comment and nothing to uncomment. Soooo, this may be old hat to experienced VS users but if you're a newbie like me you may find this useful :
Tools / Customize / Macros
Now you can drag that Samples.VSEditor.CommentRegion right onto a toolbar. Then, with the Customize dialog still open, right click on what you dragged onto the bar and select Default Style
Which will reduce it to a blank icon and then pick Chang Button Image to give it an icon.
Okay, now if you hightlight a block of text in code it will all be commented out with single quotes
But what of uncommenting ?
I wrote this macro which you can paste into the macro file that comes up when you open the Macros IDE ( you can drag that out of Tools in customize and onto a menu )
Sub UncommentBlock()Dim current As Stringcurrent = DTE.Activedocument.Name
DTE.Find.FindWhat =
"'"DTE.Find.ReplaceWith =
""DTE.Find.Target = vsFindTarget.vsFindTargetCurrentDocumentSelection
DTE.Find.MatchCase =
FalseDTE.Find.MatchWholeWord =
FalseDTE.Find.MatchInHiddenText =
TrueDTE.Find.PatternSyntax = vsFindPatternSyntax.vsFindPatternSyntaxLiteral
DTE.Find.ResultsLocation = vsFindResultsLocation.vsFindResultsNone
DTE.Find.Action = vsFindAction.vsFindActionReplaceAll
If (DTE.Find.Execute() = vsFindResult.vsFindResultNotFound) ThenThrow New System.Exception("vsFindResultNotFound")End IfDTE.Windows.Item(
"{CF2DDC32-8CAD-11D2-9302-005345000000}").Close()End Sub Just does a search and replace for ' inside a highlighted block
As soon as you save the macro file, you'll find that one the same place you found the CommentRegion() and you can put it on a toolbar the same way.
I'll put the tasklist thing in a separate message.