Ross L. Rooker, Sr.
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We separated the Security Database from the actual Data Database in our application. The Security Database is in SQL Server. We have 2 databases for the Data: one in SQL called VALET_DATA and another in Oracle also called VALET_DATA. Created a Busness Object project called TrustedVALET_BO with a business object mapped to the SQL database table called CUSTOMERS. Created a project called TrustedVALET that has a Customer Maintenance form and dragged the TrustedVALET_BO CUSTOMERS business object to the maintenance form and works perfect for the SQL connection. Now we need to provide the ability to have a different connection to get the data from the Oracle Database which is called VALET_DATA and the table name is also called CUSTOMERS. The column names in the table CUSTOMERS is exactly the same for both ORACLE and the SQL Data. What is the best way to allow for both SQL and Oracle? It seems that when the Business Object is created (mapped) it is specific to SQL. Is it possible to use this BO with an Oracle connection? Or do we need to create BOs for Oracle?
Ross L. Rooker, Sr.
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Please, respond ASAP. I need to get back to our team to determine what we will need to do to accomodate our Oracle customer in our development process.
Bill Cunnien
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Interesting scenario! Have you tried setting up two named connection strings in the connection manager? Not sure how you would trigger this, or if it would work, but when a user needs the data from the other source, simply change the DataSourceKey of the BO to the appropriate named connection. After that, fill the BO and let the user do his thing. Not sure if that helps, but at least it keeps the thinking gears rotating.  Bill
Bill Cunnien
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Here's what I would do in the SetDataSources of the program.cs (the VB equivalent escapes me at the moment): DataLayer .DataSources.Add(new SqlDataSourceItem("MySQLConn", "Data Source=MySQLServer;Initial Catalog=VALETDB;User ID=myuserid;Password=mypassword"));DataLayer.DataSources.Add(new SqlDataSourceItem("MyOracleConn", "Data Source=MyOracleServer;Initial Catalog=VALETDB;User ID=myuserid;Password=mypassword"));I have absolutely no clue how to write a connection string for an Oracle database, but this should give you an idea. After these are set, then, based on some predefined event or condition, you would set the BO datasourcekey: MyBO.DataSourceKey = "MyOracleConn"; MyBO.Fill(); You are off and running. I think. I haven't actually tried this, but, in theory, it sounds good. Hope it helps. Bill
Greg McGuffey
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I think this is bit more complicated. First, using what Bill indicated, you need to make sure that the oracle data source is using the OracleDataSourceItem, not the SqlDataSourceItem (also check the connection string...I doubt the Oracle connection string looks that simular to the MS SQL server connection string): // Use SqlDataSourceItem for the SQL data source, with MS SQL Server connection string
DataLayer.DataSources.Add(new SqlDataSourceItem("MySQLConn", "MS SQL server connection string here..."));
// This needs to be the Oracle version of a data source item, with Oracle connection string
DataLayer.DataSources.Add(new OracleDataSourceItem("MyOracleConn", "oracle connection string here...")); However, you'll also have to handle your Fill/Data retrieval functions differently, as the SQL dialects used between MS SQL server and Oracle differ. If you handle that well, then you just switch data sources and you're good to go (I think..). I'd look into the QueryInformation object. I believe this is used when you need to handle different types of SQL dialects and is what SF uses to generate SQL based on the type of data source item (i.e. SqlDataSourceItem vs. OracleDataSourceItem). Hopefully one of the SF guys will chime in here...
Ross L. Rooker, Sr.
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I just wanted to confirm on the complexity or if I was missing something. IE... when Strataframe generates the BO, if you initially select SQL Server, then the code generated is for SQL Server. It isn't as though the BO is generated in a way to handle both SQL and Oracle. Just needed to confirm this. Am I correct?
Greg McGuffey
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I don't think the BO is actually specific to either SQL or Oracle, as generated by the BO mapper. It interacts with DataTable objects.
What SF does to generate the SQL it needs to do inserts/updates/deletes it to look at the DataSourceItem and use it to build the appropriate SQL. Thus, by simply changing the type of data source item you add to the data sources collection, you get the appropriate SQL for that data source. Again the BO doesn't care, as long as the table is named the same in both db and the fields are named the same.
However, when you write Fill methods or other methods that end up querying the database, you typically will write SQL that is executed via a command object. The command object is provider specific (i.e. there is a sql command object and an oracle command object) and the SQL itself is specific to the provider (PL SQL vs T-SQL). This is all code you write yourself. So, as I said, the challenge will be to handle this aspect yourself.
I mentioned the QueryInformation object, as I believe this is used to generate the appropriate SQL based on some generic information. I.e. I think a data source item can take a QueryInformation object and then build the appropriate SQL for you, based on the data source you are using. I'm sure there are limitations to using this, but it might be useful to make your fill code provider agnostic.
Obviously the SF guys are the ones to clear this up, but as they are obviously busy, I'm just letting you know what I understand. Hopefully, it is helpful.
Trent Taylor
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I had jury duty and have been out of the office and the other developers were out of the office for other reasons. This doesn't generally happen this way, but this is the nice thing about the forum and SF community...people have ideas and step-up! There were a lot of good ideas and Greg was really on track here. The BOs do not know or care about where the data comes from. The only time that you will have an issue in regards to the BO is if you are creating custom queries (SqlCommand / OracleCommand) and then executing that command via a FillTable. You can back things off a bit an in your base BO have a flag (property) that determines if you are running SQL or Oracle. Then you can override the FillDataTable method on your base BO to accomodate. For example, we have some logic in our base BO in our medical app that converts an SqlCommand into a FoxPro based command if necessary, but we always program for SQL Server in our BOs, this way all of the logic that converts back and forth is in the BaseBO. In this example, it could accept an SqlCommand and then convert it into an OracleCommand (really not to difficult). This would be my approach. Hope it helps.
Ross L. Rooker, Sr.
Group: Forum Members
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In the generated BO there were statements generated in the Initializae component like: requiredField1.FieldType = System.Data. SqlDbType.Text;Also in the Item Property Implementation section of the BO: _FieldNativeDbTypes.Add( "customers_int_codeid", (int)System.Data.SqlDbType.Int); These do seem to be SQL specific. Is there another way to have the mapper generate both in the BO or a more generalized method. Basically I am trying to determine how far the framework can be used and where we need to begin implementing our custom code. The framework is goog and I want to make sure that we are working with it rather than against it.
Greg McGuffey
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I think this one was missed. I'm curious how that FieldNativeDbType property is used during access myself...