Version 1.41 Upgrade problem

Paul Chase
Paul Chase
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Ok I have multiple business objects and 2 of them are having this problem. If for some reason 2 of the objects are looking at a different install how can I make them "look" at the same instance of strataframe as the ones that work correctly. Here is a screenshot of a rebuild all.
boerror1.JPG (122 views, 84.00 KB)
Paul Chase
Paul Chase
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I forgot there is only one StataFrame data store defined under the Database connection menu option.
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Oh, no, all of the business objects will look at the same instance.  I wasn't clear earlier... you can have more than one data source "configured," but you can only have one data source "active" at any time.  The reason those two business objects are having problems is that they have field-level customizations.  The column missing from the database is used in field-level customizations, and therefore, when the BOMapper attempts to list off the fields that have customizations, it fails.  In your screen shot, can you scroll that error message down so that I can see the StackTrace where it's being generated?
Paul Chase
Paul Chase
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ooops wrong attachment before. here is the correct one
boerror.JPG (128 views, 124.00 KB)
Paul Chase
Paul Chase
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Here is a picture of the stack trace
stack.JPG (120 views, 89.00 KB)
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OK, you only have one StrataFrame connection configured in the Database Connection, but I'm betting that it's pointed at the wrong database.  You probably have more that one StrataFrame database installed, and you're pointed at the one that did not get upgraded.  The reason that error is being thrown is that there are fields customizations on those two business objects, but you said that the DTEproject_item_exceptions table in the database has both fields but does not have any rows.  So, if there are no row, then that database does not think that there are any field customizations and the BOMapper does, so it's probably looking at a different database.
Paul Chase
Paul Chase
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Maybe it is going through the VPN to home and looking there? I looked on the servers here and did not find any other installations. I was able to copy the code from the BO deleted it and re-add and seems to work ok not sure what the heck I customized but guess I will find out.

Like I said it has been one of those days,I am off to get a cold beer thanks for all the help you guys are the best.


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Well, get that beer.  There is certainly a possibility that it could be looking at home.  You can always check your connection through the Database Connection on the StrataFrame menu and selecting "Edit..." and viewing the properties.

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