I modified my code for
In GoLiveGlobals.infoMessageBox(nRowProjeto.ToString()); return 0 ! Why ?
I think that you are inadvertantly making a very simple task very complex. As mentioned in previous posts, there are a lot of samples that show how to do this...and I know that other developers have tried to help you understand as well. Maybe at this point you should just create a simple sample illustrating your problem and post it out here instead of all of these posts as this doesn't really seem to be going anywhere. Maybe a real sample from YOUR perspective and then a correction via the forum posters will help you better undertstand where you are going wrong.
Eu preciso population a comboBox1 com o valor da textbox1. O Meu problema é que eu preciso fazer um Select * from ProjetoEquipamento where prj_nrow = value of textbox1 . Como population combobox whith Select ?