Add Property/Functionality to StrataFrame Listview

Philipp Guntermann
Philipp Guntermann
StrataFrame User (249 reputation)StrataFrame User (249 reputation)StrataFrame User (249 reputation)StrataFrame User (249 reputation)StrataFrame User (249 reputation)StrataFrame User (249 reputation)StrataFrame User (249 reputation)StrataFrame User (249 reputation)StrataFrame User (249 reputation)
Group: Forum Members
Posts: 141, Visits: 263
Add a property to either BO or Listview to enable Listview's selected row be in sync with BO's current dataset.

There's a user contributed example on how to subclass a listview to add that functionality, but i see no reason for not implementing that into stataframe natively.

It's something a user really expects, when working with a list of datasets.

Could be a property like "SyncSelectionWithBO" or "SyncAttachedListviewSelection" or whatever Smile

Also a strataframe version of the datagrid would be really appreciated Smile

Philipp Guntermann
Philipp Guntermann
StrataFrame User (249 reputation)StrataFrame User (249 reputation)StrataFrame User (249 reputation)StrataFrame User (249 reputation)StrataFrame User (249 reputation)StrataFrame User (249 reputation)StrataFrame User (249 reputation)StrataFrame User (249 reputation)StrataFrame User (249 reputation)
Group: Forum Members
Posts: 141, Visits: 263
wah, wrong forum BigGrin

Maybe some Moderator can move this post ?


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