Browse Dialog

Paul Chase
Paul Chase
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I realize that I can add a Search Field more than once to the search fields collection and then have one field be less than and the other one be greater than to return a result set that is between the 2 values.

I feel this can be confusing and also requires that the developer anticipate that the user will want to return a result that contains all the records between a set of values. I would like to have an advanced option the uses between or not between clause on a search field and adds and additional control for the second value.

I am attaching a dummy picture of what I mean..


ckbrowse.png (257 views, 49.00 KB)
Edhy Rijo
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Hi Paul,

That would be a very nice and useful enhancement, even though the same concept may apply to other types like Integer and String.

Edhy Rijo

Paul Chase
Paul Chase
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Hi Edhy,

You are right actually it was a decimal value that prompted me to request this, it seemed kind of silly having a >= Gross Wages (Low) and <= Gross Wages (High). not to mention the search list can get really long really fast.

Alex Luyando
Alex Luyando
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FWIW, I'd definitely vote YES for this one. Very useful and I think my users would love it.

Would this be the wrong thread for another Browse Dialog enhancement request? Some users need to use the same selection criteria constantly to get the data they want to work with. What if the Search dialog allowed users to save (with a name of their choice) the selection criteria they've entered and in future sessions simply select the saved set? This is something the Visual FoxExpress framework does and it's very handy, especially in cases where there the selection criteria involves many columns.

The above could then be expanded to allow for "personal" saved selection criteria sets as well as work group or shared sets... but we can leave that discussion for later.


_____/ Regards,

____/ al

_____/ Regards,
____/ al
Paul Chase
Paul Chase
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Hi SF Team,

Do you think this request will make it in to SF at some point? I know that you hate to comment on these types of thing's because there could be unforseen issues once you look under the hood, but it would be great to know if you are even considering adding this functionality.  

The reason I ask is that I would hate to spend the time to have roll my own search screen and retrofit only to have you guys add this or even worse wait around for something that isn't ever gonna happen.  



Trent Taylor
Trent Taylor
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What if the Search dialog allowed users to save (with a name of their choice) the selection criteria they've entered and in future sessions simply select the saved set?

You can already do this.  You could go at this a number of ways, but to populate the fields with a value, set the InitialSearchValue on a SearchFieldItem.  You could set this on the BrowseDialogOpening event.  Conversely, you could save these while within the BrowseDialog by creating a BrowseInformationPanel and then adding a link to "Save" the settings or "Clear" them and then enumerate the SearchFields collection and save them to a database, registry, etc.  So you could already do this right now if you chose to.


Do you think this request will make it in to SF at some point? I know that you hate to comment on these types of thing's because there could be unforseen issues once you look under the hood, but it would be great to know if you are even considering adding this functionality.  

We will definitely consider this...and like you said, until we get in there and start implementing this, there is no way for me to guarantee anything.  But I will add this to the list and see if this is soemthing that could be implemented fairly easily.  If not, then it may have to wait for a future release.

Paul Chase
Paul Chase
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Thank's Trent,

I will not start anything until I see what you guys are able to do.

THanks A bunch


Alex Luyando
Alex Luyando
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Trent -

Howdy, and thanks. I'll put it on the list.

_____/ Regards,
____/ al

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