How to use ChildFormParameters on version

Edhy Rijo
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#8 Child Form constructor parameters exposed in the OnBeforeChildFormExecuted event of a ListView

A new event argument parameter in the OnBeforeChildFormExecuted event called ChildFormParameters. By adding parms to this collection they will be passed on to the calling of the ChildFormDialog like this: ChildForm.ShowDialog(ChildFormParameters.ToArray()). This gives the developer the ultimate control in automation of a child form call through a ListView.

Hi Trent/Dustin,

Could you please provide a sample code on how to pass the parameter to the ChildFormDialog?

I checked the e.ChildFormParameters in the ListView.BeforeChildFormExecuted but this property is ReadOnly and also I don't now how I would add the parameters I need to send to the ChildFormDialog.

Edhy Rijo

Edhy Rijo
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#5 StrataFrame ListView now supports cell level backcolors

Each cell of a StrataFrame ListView has a BackgroundColor property allowing the background color to be overwritten for that individual cell.

#6 StrataFrame ListView now has an AdditionalItemHeight property

A property has been added at the ListItem (not sub item) level of a StrataFrame ListView allowing any individual row to have additional height added. This can come in very handy when showing a value that may have multiple rows (i.e. an address). This adds the specified number of pixels to the ItemHeight of the row. This can also be used in situations where a larger font and text may need to be used to exagerate a row.

Also on the same update, steps 5 & 6 I understand that these changes refer to the current StrataFrame Listview not the StrataListView in beta. I could not find a way to access a cell to change its background or the AdditionalItemHeight property. Could you please provide quick sample code or more specific detail on how to start using those new features?



Improvement added to the DDT are very nice specially the copy, paste, undo via the context menu. Thanks!!!!

Edhy Rijo

Edhy Rijo
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Hi Trent, Dustin,

Perhaps this thread has been missed Cool

Edhy Rijo

Edhy Rijo
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Hummm, I wonder if somebody is listening....? BigGrin

Hello Texas, anybody home? Hehe

Edhy Rijo

Dustin Taylor
Dustin Taylor
StrataFrame Team Member (938 reputation)
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My bad Smile.

Attached is a sample of these items. In short:

Child Form Dialog Parameters

You simply pass a comma seperated list of values in the ShowDialog method, and format the constructor of the child dialog to match the values you pass.

So, on the parent:


Which means the constructor of the child should look like:

public MyDialog(string MyFirstParameter, int MySecondParameter)
    //-- Do something with the parameters
    this.Text = MyFirstParameter;
    cboMyCombo.SelectedIndex = MySecondParameter;

StrataListView Enhancements

Both of these are simply properties of the StrataListViewSubItem and StrataListViewItem respectively.  Here is a block of code from the attached sample app that demonstrates this:

  _Item = new StrataListViewItem("Green", "");
  _Item.AdditionalItemHeight = 20; //-- Here is the additional height
  _SubItem = new StrataListViewSubItem();
  _SubItem.BackgroundColor = Color.DarkGreen;  //-- Here is the background color
  _SubItem.TextColor = Color.White;
  _SubItem.Text = "Value 3 - Additional height to show               Two rows of text.";

Hope it helps!

Attachments (116 views, 102.00 KB)
Edhy Rijo
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Hi Dustin,

I have not check the sample file yet, will do so in a minute, but want to clarify that I am using a SF ListView with the automation and the listview will call the ChildFormDialog internally, how do I pass the parameters in my form to the Listview so it will be pass to the internal ChildFormDialog in the listview?

As I said in the original message, the e.ChildFormParameters in the ListView.BeforeChildFormExecuted is ReadOnly.

Also if possible next time, use VB code instead of C#Hehe

Edhy Rijo

Edhy Rijo
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Dustin Taylor (04/05/2010)

StrataListView Enhancements

Both of these are simply properties of the StrataListViewSubItem and StrataListViewItem respectively. Here is a block of code from the attached sample app that demonstrates this:

Hi Dustin,

After looking at the sample I noticed that you said these properties are for the new StrataListView not the SF ListView as listed in the release documentations, that is why I was looking at the wrong control.

Please you have to add the automation feature in the current SF ListView to the new StrataListView so we can start replacing the old one with the new one and be able to provide test feedback. In my case I use the SF ListView in most of my forms and it would be challenge to manually update all the population settings and childform automations to the new StrataListView.


Thanks for the sample, pretty interesting approach. Hope you can clarify my previous thread about ChildFormDialog parameters using the SF ListView automation features.

Edhy Rijo

Edhy Rijo
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Hello again, anybody home???? BigGrin

Edhy Rijo

Edhy Rijo
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another bump here....BigGrin

Edhy Rijo

Trent Taylor
Trent Taylor
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I assume that you are just wanted to know when we are going to add the automation logic, right? If that is the case, then we will be doing this before the final release of We have a need for this as well, but this control has grown so much that we didn't want to do add this until it was not so fluid in enhancements.

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