Example of master detail with SF and C # using Grid

João Evangelista Bezerra...
João Evangelista Bezerra de Sousa
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I need to convert an ERP done in Visual Dataflex and am considering using C # with Framework StatraFrame. I am currently evaluating the SF, however, found no example that shows the features of Master Detail, such as a purchase order. I would appreciate if someone offers an example.


Dustin Taylor
Dustin Taylor
StrataFrame Team Member (938 reputation)
Group: StrataFrame Users
Posts: 364, Visits: 771
I'd recommend downloading the StrataFlix Sample Appication from the My Downloads area. Included in that app are several reports using Perpetuum Report studio and StrataFrame, which demonstrate Master-Detail reports, style sheets, parent-child relationships, etc. While we don't have that particular report (purchase order), it does show all the pieces and tools that would be necessary to create such a report.

I'd also take a look around the application for other items that interest you. We designed it to be more fully-feature that most samples, so it can go a long way to filling in any blanks regarding what and how StrataFrame ties into a full application's development.

Thanks for your interest!

João Evangelista Bezerra...
João Evangelista Bezerra de Sousa
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Hi Dustin,

Good night!

As you recommended, I downloaded the StrataFlix and noticed that it does not make use of the Grid component, but rather the component ListView.

I'll keep searching and trying to understand the functioning of StrataFrame.

I thank you for your attention.

Charles R Hankey
Charles R Hankey
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I'll let Dustin answer for Microfour, but this may help :

The SF Listview is a very sophisticated improvement on the .NET standard listbox and is recommended for displaying data and providing lists of child records which will be used to select a single child which can come up in a single record form for data entry or editing. There is also a new control - the Stratalistview - that has been completely designed by Microfour. A few of the datasource things are not hooked up yet (though they can be done manually) but it will be another welcome addition to the framework and should be complete in an upcoming version.

The .NET grid and datagridview ares not very well suited for data entry ( the 3rd party controls like Infragistic however are really quite good )

Fortunately, using a grid, a datagridview or a 3rd party grid in SF is very easy. Drop a BusinessBindingSource on the form and set its datasource to the businessobject. The drop on the grid and set its datasource to the BusinessBindingsource.

Works very well and you have all the advantages of a SF BO.

It is worth learning all the things the listview will do first, and then deciding where there are cases you want to do data entry in a grid. I would recommend avoiding datagridviews and grids for data entry unless you have a good third party control like those from Infragistics, DevExpress, Telerik etc.

Hope that helps.

João Evangelista Bezerra...
João Evangelista Bezerra de Sousa
StrataFrame Beginner (42 reputation)StrataFrame Beginner (42 reputation)StrataFrame Beginner (42 reputation)StrataFrame Beginner (42 reputation)StrataFrame Beginner (42 reputation)StrataFrame Beginner (42 reputation)StrataFrame Beginner (42 reputation)StrataFrame Beginner (42 reputation)StrataFrame Beginner (42 reputation)
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Hi Charles,

Good afternoon!

Thanks for the explanations. I will better assess the Listview component, as well as the ability to use Grid component with BusinessBindingSource.

I thank you for your attention.

Dustin Taylor
Dustin Taylor
StrataFrame Team Member (938 reputation)
Group: StrataFrame Users
Posts: 364, Visits: 771
Sorry about that João, I misunderstood your original question and didn't notice you were specifically asking about Grids. For that, I would agree 100% with Charles here, take a look at our ListView and StrataListView to see if they would fit your needs, they can save you a lot of time if they will work for you! 

The ListView is a much simpler way to handle child objects, and the StrataListView gives a lot of control over individual items. Between the two, you can typically do 95% of the work a Grid would usually be used for, with much less complication. Of course, as Charles mentioned, Grids are perfectly compatible with StrataFrame using the BusinessBindingSource, so if you do end up needing one, we can definately make that work, it is just our experience that they sometimes make a simple process more complicated.

Let us know if you run into any issues with the ListViews, or with getting the BusinessBindingSource set up. I'll try not to answer the wrong question next time Smile.


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