Transactions covering multiple databases?

Sam Tenney
Sam Tenney
StrataFrame Novice (102 reputation)StrataFrame Novice (102 reputation)StrataFrame Novice (102 reputation)StrataFrame Novice (102 reputation)StrataFrame Novice (102 reputation)StrataFrame Novice (102 reputation)StrataFrame Novice (102 reputation)StrataFrame Novice (102 reputation)StrataFrame Novice (102 reputation)
Group: StrataFrame Users
Posts: 70, Visits: 3.5K
I am trying to learn what the StrataFrame Application Framework can accomplish in a rather complicated proposed application.  I am confused about transactions.  The application will have multiple SQL tables in Multiple databases but they are all housed in a single SQL server.  I will be using SQL Server 2008.

I will have a need to save changes to several different tables in several different databases all within a single transaction of some sort.  If any optimistic concurrency conflict occurs in any of the tables in any of the different databases, I want to roll back all attempted changes in all tables in all databases.

My research on the internet indicates that transactions will not work across multiple databases.  Does StrataFrame have a way of handling this scenario?  Will I need to write my own code based on my own solution, or can StrataFrame handle this out of the box?


Greg McGuffey
Greg McGuffey
Strategic Support Team Member (3.4K reputation)
Group: Forum Members
Posts: 2K, Visits: 6.6K
I'm checking with the SF developers on this. Hopefully I get an answer tomorrow.

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