Getting a Return Value from a Stored Procedure

Terry Bottorff
Terry Bottorff
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I have the following Stored Proc (I am not sure it is correct). I just am trying to see if there are any duplicates in the table.

CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[sp_CountSRStockforDups] 
   -- Add the parameters for the stored procedure here
   @myRowCount int = 0 OUTPUT
   -- SET NOCOUNT ON added to prevent extra result sets from
   -- interfering with SELECT statements.

    -- Insert statements for procedure here
   select stock, count(stock) as pen from dbo.SRstocks where stock > 0 group by stock having (count(stock)) > 1
   select @myRowCount = @@ROWCOUNT
   return @myRowCount

I know I have 2 records that repeat but with the following code it returns zero(0).?
        Dim nret As Integer = 1000
                 Dim cmd As New SqlCommand("sp_CountSRStockforDups")
                cmd.CommandType = Data.CommandType.StoredProcedure
                ' OutPut Parameter
                cmd.Parameters.Add("@myRowCount", Data.SqlDbType.Int).Direction = Data.ParameterDirection.Output
                nret = CType(cmd.Parameters("@myRowCount").Value, Integer)
Please understand I am not sure any of this is correct except the attached picture seems to indicate that my stored proc is working but any help would be appreciated. TIA

countingstk.png (102 views, 6.00 KB)
Ivan George Borges
Ivan George Borges
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Hi Terry.

Haven't you forgotten to execute the query?

Guess your code is in a BO Data Retrieval Method, so right after the line where you Add your parameter, put the following code:


And then just return your output parameter value the way you are doing and you should be fine.
Terry Bottorff
Terry Bottorff
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Actually I am running the code in the click of a button and so when I put
I get an error that says ExecuteNonQuery is not a member of Rodeo.CheckforDupsfrm
I know that it probably just in not the correct syntax because it is in the click of a button but I tried a couple of things and they did not work either.?

Terry Bottorff
Terry Bottorff
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I think I found it.
Thanks for the help.

Ivan George Borges
Ivan George Borges
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You're welcome. Cool
Edhy Rijo
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Hi Terry,

Your approach is correct but I prefer to have all data validation code at the business level so it can be use from other places if you need to.  So what I do is create a sub or function in the BO that will return the desired value, in your case you want to know if a duplicate record exist, so I would do this:

    ''' <summary>
    ''' This a generic function to find duplicate records in tables where the Primary Key is an integer
    ''' </summary>
    ''' <returns>True if duplicate records are found.</returns>
    ''' <remarks>This code will only work for Integer PK, if using other type, simply change the CType in the return statement.</remarks>
    Public Function DuplicateRecordFound() As Boolean
        '-- Create the SqlCommand with an Using to automatically dispose it.
        Using cmd As New SqlCommand
            cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text
            cmd.CommandText = String.Format("SELECT COUNT({0}) FROM {1} WHERE {0} > 0 GROUP BY {0} HAVING COUNT(1) > 0"Me.PrimaryKeyField, Me.TableNameAndSchema)

            '-- Execute the query and return the value
            Return CType(Me.ExecuteScalar(cmd), Integer) > 0
        End Using
    End Function

Then if you need to use it from any code where you don't have an instance of the BO, you can do this:

        Using bo As New bizTransactionItems
            If bo.DuplicateRecordFound = True Then
                ' Do whatever you want here.
            End If
        End Using

So if you are using a base BO, simply copy above function and it will work with any BO with an Integer Primary Key.  Also noticed the use of "Using bo" in the sample calling code to properly dispose the bo instance and by the way, in this case, no need to create a Stored Procedure because the code is pretty simply and would not make any difference in speed or connection, and remember the idea is to have it generic so it can be used in any BO.

Have fun!!!

Edhy Rijo

Trent Taylor
Trent Taylor
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Terry, I agree with Edhy.  It is never good Mojo to put your query logic in a button.  You are better of encapsulating your query logic in the BO or a Singleton class you use to execute queries in this manner.  By embedding your code in the button click and the logic of your application, you break encapsulation which is far more prone to downstream bugs.
Terry Bottorff
Terry Bottorff
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Oh if my learning curve was not straight up enough. Now it has a curve backwards. Wow Thanks>

But on the statement: Using bo As New bizTransactionItems

I get the following error:
Type bizTransactionItems is not defined.

I did replace bo with my BO name?

I can not seem to find bizTransactionsItems in the Strataframe Help.

Edhy Rijo
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Hi Terry,

Sorry for the confusion, bizTransationItems is one of my BO.  I simply paste one of my code as a sample.   w00t

You must use your own BO class.

We are in a constant learning and since my switch from VFP a couple of years ago to StrataFrame and VB.NET you will not believe how many times I have refactored by code based on posting in these forums.  Smile

Edhy Rijo

Terry Bottorff
Terry Bottorff
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Thank you so much. That makes sense. 
Zowie this stuff is cool.

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