Log os used passwords

Marcelo Blank
Marcelo Blank
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Group: StrataFrame Users
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Hi All,

One again, for compliance´s propouses, I need to have a log of the last ten used passwords of each user.

Is it native of the tool ? How can I get it ?

StrataFrame Team
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Yes, SF automatically stores the last 24 passwords used by a user.  The collection is private, but you could access it through reflection or by modifying the source code to make the SFSUsersBO.EncryptedData class public. The EncryptedData class parses the us_Data field in the database, which is where all of that information is stored.  The EncryptedData has the PasswordHistory property, which is a generic string list of the last 24 passwords used.
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The reason we store the password history is so that SF can prevent a user from re-using any of their last X passwords, where X is configured through the SFSPreferences.sp_PwBeforeRepeat field value.  It is configured through the security preferences.  

So, if you're trying to duplicate that functionality, just set the preference.  If you need a user-readable log of the passwords, then you'll have to get it from the EncryptedData class.
Marcelo Blank
Marcelo Blank
StrataFrame User (174 reputation)StrataFrame User (174 reputation)StrataFrame User (174 reputation)StrataFrame User (174 reputation)StrataFrame User (174 reputation)StrataFrame User (174 reputation)StrataFrame User (174 reputation)StrataFrame User (174 reputation)StrataFrame User (174 reputation)
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That´s what I tought.


Marcelo Blank
Marcelo Blank
StrataFrame User (174 reputation)StrataFrame User (174 reputation)StrataFrame User (174 reputation)StrataFrame User (174 reputation)StrataFrame User (174 reputation)StrataFrame User (174 reputation)StrataFrame User (174 reputation)StrataFrame User (174 reputation)StrataFrame User (174 reputation)
Group: StrataFrame Users
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That´s it.:

1 - Turn the class EncryptedData public 

''' <summary>
        ''' Data processing of Users.us_Data field
        ''' </summary>
        ''' <remarks></remarks>
        Public Class EncryptedData

2 - Compile the SFSUsersBO dll

3 - replace the SFSUsersBO dll in your project

4 - Add this code ...

SFSPreferencesBO s = new SFSPreferencesBO();


SFSUsersBO u = new SFSUsersBO();


            for (int i = 0; i <= u.us_PasswordHistory.Count-1; i++)


5 - Well done.

Thanks a lot
StrataFrame Team
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Group: StrataFrame Developers
Posts: 3K, Visits: 2.5K
Glad that worked for you Marcelo Smile

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