Using a DevExpress XtraGrid and Trying to Move Records Up or Down

Terry Bottorff
Terry Bottorff
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I did set the SortOrder so I had that piece but I am confused. After I create the new BO based on the record that has Focus what am I to do with it?
I see it does have the JudgesSheetPositionNumber value in boInGridView.JudgesSheetPositionNumber and certainly when I add 1 to that it will tell me the position it is going but I don't know what to do from there? 

Also, the following line of code would not let me put BO1 on the end.

boInGridView = TryCast(Me.GridView1.GetRow(index), ResultsPerfsChecksTimedEventBO)

Yes Edhy, I agree I was planning on validating the move when in first position and last position.

Edhy Rijo
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Terry Bottorff (9/7/2014)

Also, the following line of code would not let me put BO1 on the end.

boInGridView = TryCast(Me.GridView1.GetRow(index), ResultsPerfsChecksTimedEventBO)

That is correct because when you Cast() or TryCast() you have to pass the class type as a parameter not an instance of a class which in this case would be the BO1, so my code is correct.
I know it can be confusing but if you look closely it is actually very simple. 

I have to go out now and will be back in 2 hours, if you want email me your phone and I will call you to make a remote session and see your project, this could get done in 10-20 minutes and would be easier to explain.

Edhy Rijo

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With Edhy's help and expertise I (we) were able to get the move to work in the DevExpress Grid.  Edhy is such a valuable resource....

If someone is interested in the code I will gladly post it.

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