Business Object and WebForm

StrataFrame User (430 reputation)StrataFrame User (430 reputation)StrataFrame User (430 reputation)StrataFrame User (430 reputation)StrataFrame User (430 reputation)StrataFrame User (430 reputation)StrataFrame User (430 reputation)StrataFrame User (430 reputation)StrataFrame User (430 reputation)
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i would to speak about the method choose by Strataframe , to use business object on the web.

If you use an Ipad or Android with sim card to access on the website app.

When you load a webpage , the session are stored in variable of session. If there are a micro cut network,
when the user write on the textbox.

The business object loose the variable of the session and the user loose his data,
cause the webpage reload , the binding refresh the textbox.

In php or, it's the same like a transaction , the data are send on the end, with the querie and the user don't depend the variable of session,
it's the DNA of the web data centric.

I don't know how the entity works because i use strata, but my policy is put to the challenge with my clients on my choice of strata.

Strata can work on the Winform with public variable, but in the web , the variable session can be kill by the network or the timeout, and the user want so to kill me.

I would like to know , if in the new version of strata with entities inherit, can be to change this way for me ?

Or If you see my problem and you can fix it ?

Can you help me to get an edit only when the user push validate button on the end of input his field ? do not depend a session variable ?

thanks for your help in advance.

============================================== C# - Strataframe - telerik
StrataFrame User (430 reputation)StrataFrame User (430 reputation)StrataFrame User (430 reputation)StrataFrame User (430 reputation)StrataFrame User (430 reputation)StrataFrame User (430 reputation)StrataFrame User (430 reputation)StrataFrame User (430 reputation)StrataFrame User (430 reputation)
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For the version 2.0

It's possible to modify variable session name with temporary name, and not the businessobject name inside.

Cause if we open 2 tab , with the same webpage, strata make a confusion with data, like a data session public in foxpro.


============================================== C# - Strataframe - telerik
StrataFrame User (430 reputation)StrataFrame User (430 reputation)StrataFrame User (430 reputation)StrataFrame User (430 reputation)StrataFrame User (430 reputation)StrataFrame User (430 reputation)StrataFrame User (430 reputation)StrataFrame User (430 reputation)StrataFrame User (430 reputation)
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Hello Trent

I will continue our speech here i you want. I use C# vs studio 2013 and sql server 2008
i can send you some screen shot of my web app with tab , and my customer can open each detail product in each tab like a browser.

I will take a example with a Customer on laptop with WIFI.

First Sample with Strata V1  and Second sample with entity framework and my tool to bind a control.


1- The customer load a detail product 
2- The customer click on Edit button (i start editing state in Strata to put all control Enable)
3- The customer write on each textbox some modification
4- the wifi gets micro cuts wifi  (the server loose the session active)
5- the customer continues to modify his webform and he doesn't hnow there are some micro cuts.
6- the customer click on validate button, and it's not possible to continue cause Strata session is lose and he must to rewrite some modification

-(the concept of V1 can works with Winform cause the public variable stay on the desktop on the customer, not the server so like nobody has a heavy app on the web, nobody meet this problem. )

- Entity Framework + my library

1- The customer load a detail product (my library bind each control, like strata) 
2- The customer click on Edit button (my library loop each control only to enable control)
3- The customer write on each textbox some modification
4- the wifi gets micro cuts wifi  (the server loose the session active)
5- the customer continues to modify his webform and he doesn't hnow there are some micro cuts.
6- the customer click on validate button, 
this procedure doesn't exist in strata so we lose the modification cause the binding is automatic
(i load again a select Sql to fill my business object)
(My library load each value of control  (textbox, combo...) to Write into Business Object)
(i save the dbContext with transaction and it's works )

this method works with a tablet on network phone or wifi with micro cuts.


============================================== C# - Strataframe - telerik
Edited 10 Years Ago by Olivier
Trent Taylor
Trent Taylor
StrataFrame Developer (14K reputation)StrataFrame Developer (14K reputation)StrataFrame Developer (14K reputation)StrataFrame Developer (14K reputation)StrataFrame Developer (14K reputation)StrataFrame Developer (14K reputation)StrataFrame Developer (14K reputation)StrataFrame Developer (14K reputation)StrataFrame Developer (14K reputation)
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Thanks for the detail, the bottom line is that even SF V1 is all disconnected data.  It is how to manage that disconnected data and then update the server.  Regardless, SF V2 with the entity model will make this process easier and more seamless.  There are fewer hands in the cookie jar, so to speak.  Removing the ADO.NET component will also give a huge leg up.  

For anyone reading this freaking out that ADO.NET is not the core, this is a really good thing.  However, you will still be able to output an entity to an ADO.NET table if you have the need with something like employee.ToADO(...).
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Thanks trent,
if we can to test the beta release, it'll be great.

and let you know when the 2.0 stable version ll be available.


============================================== C# - Strataframe - telerik

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