Tried New VISX with VS 2013 and Win 10

Advanced StrataFrame User (573 reputation)Advanced StrataFrame User (573 reputation)Advanced StrataFrame User (573 reputation)Advanced StrataFrame User (573 reputation)Advanced StrataFrame User (573 reputation)Advanced StrataFrame User (573 reputation)Advanced StrataFrame User (573 reputation)Advanced StrataFrame User (573 reputation)Advanced StrataFrame User (573 reputation)
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This is the error I get. Not sure how it will appear on your end. I just copied and pasted it.
I tried to install Dot net 4.5 and it says I already have it installed so I am not sure what else to check for?

9/9/2015 10:33:06 AM - Microsoft VSIX Installer
9/9/2015 10:33:06 AM - -------------------------------------------
9/9/2015 10:33:06 AM - Initializing Install...
9/9/2015 10:33:06 AM - Extension Details...
9/9/2015 10:33:06 AM -    Identifier      : 0d9a9c3f-5ef0-4d1f-b38e-7bc0918e291d
9/9/2015 10:33:06 AM -    Name            : MicroFour StrataFrame
9/9/2015 10:33:06 AM -    Author          : MicroFour, Inc.
9/9/2015 10:33:06 AM -    Version         :
9/9/2015 10:33:06 AM -    Description     : VSIntegration package for MicroFour StrataFrame V1
9/9/2015 10:33:06 AM -    Locale          : en-US
9/9/2015 10:33:06 AM -    MoreInfoURL     : 
9/9/2015 10:33:06 AM -    InstalledByMSI  : False
9/9/2015 10:33:06 AM -    SupportedFrameworkVersionRange : [4.5]
9/9/2015 10:33:06 AM - 
9/9/2015 10:33:06 AM -    Supported Products : 
9/9/2015 10:33:06 AM -       Microsoft.VisualStudio.Pro
9/9/2015 10:33:06 AM -          Version : [11.0,14.0]
9/9/2015 10:33:06 AM - 
9/9/2015 10:33:06 AM -    References      : 
9/9/2015 10:33:06 AM -       -------------------------------------------------------
9/9/2015 10:33:06 AM -       Identifier   : Microsoft.VisualStudio.MPF.11.0
9/9/2015 10:33:06 AM -       Name         : Visual Studio MPF 11.0
9/9/2015 10:33:06 AM -       Version      : [11.0]
9/9/2015 10:33:06 AM -       MoreInfoURL  : 
9/9/2015 10:33:06 AM -       Nested       : No
9/9/2015 10:33:06 AM - 
9/9/2015 10:33:06 AM - 
9/9/2015 10:33:06 AM - Searching for applicable products...
9/9/2015 10:33:06 AM - Found installed product - Microsoft Visual Studio 2012 Shell (Integrated)
9/9/2015 10:33:06 AM - Found installed product - Microsoft Visual Studio Professional 2013
9/9/2015 10:33:07 AM - The extension with ID '0d9a9c3f-5ef0-4d1f-b38e-7bc0918e291d' is not installed to Microsoft Visual Studio Professional 2013.
9/9/2015 10:33:07 AM - Found installed product - Microsoft Visual Studio 2013 Shell (Integrated)
9/9/2015 10:33:07 AM - Found installed product - Microsoft Visual Studio Express 2013 for Web
9/9/2015 10:33:07 AM - Found installed product - Global Location
9/9/2015 10:33:07 AM - Found installed product - ssms
9/9/2015 10:33:16 AM - The following target products have been selected...
9/9/2015 10:33:16 AM -    Microsoft Visual Studio Professional 2013
9/9/2015 10:33:16 AM - 
9/9/2015 10:33:17 AM - Beginning to install extension to Microsoft Visual Studio Professional 2013...
9/9/2015 10:33:17 AM - Install Error : Microsoft.VisualStudio.ExtensionManager.MissingTargetFrameworkException: The extension 'MicroFour StrataFrame' requires a version of the .NET Framework that is not installed.
   at Microsoft.VisualStudio.ExtensionManager.ExtensionManagerService.CheckForValidDotNetFramework(IExtension extension)
   at Microsoft.VisualStudio.ExtensionManager.ExtensionManagerService.CheckForInstallBlockers(InstallableExtensionImpl extension, IInstalledExtensionList modifiedInstalledExtensionsList, Boolean isNestedExtension, Boolean& olderVersionInstalled)
   at Microsoft.VisualStudio.ExtensionManager.ExtensionManagerService.InstallInternal(InstallableExtensionImpl extension, Boolean perMachine, Boolean isNestedExtension, IDictionary`2 extensionsInstalledSoFar, List`1 extensionsUninstalledSoFar, IInstalledExtensionList modifiedInstalledExtensionsList, AsyncOperation asyncOp, UInt64 totalBytesToWrite, UInt64& totalBytesWritten)
   at Microsoft.VisualStudio.ExtensionManager.ExtensionManagerService.BeginInstall(IInstallableExtension installableExtension, Boolean perMachine, AsyncOperation asyncOp)
   at Microsoft.VisualStudio.ExtensionManager.ExtensionManagerService.InstallWorker(IInstallableExtension extension, Boolean perMachine, AsyncOperation asyncOp)

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Do you by chance have the Client Profile installed and not the whole framework?

I can also try removing the requirement from the VISX, but I'm not sure that's the problem.
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Checking in ILSpy, it looks like the Microsoft.VisualStudio.ExtensionManager.Implementation contains a class to detect the installed frameworks.  It doesn't look like this class explicitly checks frameworks past .NET 3.5, and that instead all of the v4s (v4.0, v4.5, v4.5.1, v4.5.2, and v4.6) are all included in the v4.0 key in the registry.
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I just re-posted the VISX after changing the required framework from 4.5 to the range of frameworks from 4.5 to 4.6.  Give that a shot.
Advanced StrataFrame User (573 reputation)Advanced StrataFrame User (573 reputation)Advanced StrataFrame User (573 reputation)Advanced StrataFrame User (573 reputation)Advanced StrataFrame User (573 reputation)Advanced StrataFrame User (573 reputation)Advanced StrataFrame User (573 reputation)Advanced StrataFrame User (573 reputation)Advanced StrataFrame User (573 reputation)
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I will try it later. Thank you.
Edhy Rijo
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Posts: 2.4K, Visits: 23K
Hi Ben, Terry,

Just to let you know, I just installed VS2015 and the SF VISX package for VS2013 & 2015 and it seems to be working just fine (Thanks a lot Ben!!!!)

For VS2013 and older, make sure you disable the "StrataFrame Add-in Manager" from the Tools menu before you install the VISX to avoid getting error and having the "StrataFrame" menu twice.

Edhy Rijo

Advanced StrataFrame User (573 reputation)Advanced StrataFrame User (573 reputation)Advanced StrataFrame User (573 reputation)Advanced StrataFrame User (573 reputation)Advanced StrataFrame User (573 reputation)Advanced StrataFrame User (573 reputation)Advanced StrataFrame User (573 reputation)Advanced StrataFrame User (573 reputation)Advanced StrataFrame User (573 reputation)
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Posts: 119, Visits: 11K
I only have VS 2015 installed on my laptop with Win 10 and I just tried the new VISX on it and it did not even recognize that I have VS 2015 installed. It did find VS 2013 that I also have installed.
This is just info so that Ben and his crew can work thru all of this.
Edhy Rijo
StrataFrame VIP (6.4K reputation)StrataFrame VIP (6.4K reputation)StrataFrame VIP (6.4K reputation)StrataFrame VIP (6.4K reputation)StrataFrame VIP (6.4K reputation)StrataFrame VIP (6.4K reputation)StrataFrame VIP (6.4K reputation)StrataFrame VIP (6.4K reputation)StrataFrame VIP (6.4K reputation)
Group: StrataFrame Users
Posts: 2.4K, Visits: 23K
Hi Terry,

Did you re-download the VISX package that Ben re-posted?

If not, download it again and try it.  I am also using Win 10.

Edhy Rijo

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What version of VS do you have installed, Buffie?  There are different editions, and I think I might have to explicitly allow all of the editions in the manifest of the VISX.
Advanced StrataFrame User (573 reputation)Advanced StrataFrame User (573 reputation)Advanced StrataFrame User (573 reputation)Advanced StrataFrame User (573 reputation)Advanced StrataFrame User (573 reputation)Advanced StrataFrame User (573 reputation)Advanced StrataFrame User (573 reputation)Advanced StrataFrame User (573 reputation)Advanced StrataFrame User (573 reputation)
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Posts: 119, Visits: 11K
That did work. Thank you.

Edhy's note about disabling the add in is important.

Thanks again to both of you.

Op's I forgot to post this before my last post.

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