Drag and drop items between two listViews ?

Dong Trien Lam
Dong Trien Lam
StrataFrame User (265 reputation)StrataFrame User (265 reputation)StrataFrame User (265 reputation)StrataFrame User (265 reputation)StrataFrame User (265 reputation)StrataFrame User (265 reputation)StrataFrame User (265 reputation)StrataFrame User (265 reputation)StrataFrame User (265 reputation)
Group: Anonymous / Guest
Posts: 57, Visits: 251
Do you know how to write code drag and drop items between two listView ? Share with me.
StrataFrame Team
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If it's not related to StrataFrame, you're going to have better luck asking your questions on Stack Overflow.


There are millions of people to answer your questions there.  Here it's just me.
Dong Trien Lam
Dong Trien Lam
StrataFrame User (265 reputation)StrataFrame User (265 reputation)StrataFrame User (265 reputation)StrataFrame User (265 reputation)StrataFrame User (265 reputation)StrataFrame User (265 reputation)StrataFrame User (265 reputation)StrataFrame User (265 reputation)StrataFrame User (265 reputation)
Group: Anonymous / Guest
Posts: 57, Visits: 251
Do you know why I created a nickname on this site "Http://stackoverflow.com/" ? I used about a year I can not use the nickname, I made the same thing 2 years after the use of a year. Do you know why ?
Larry Caylor
Larry Caylor
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There is likely some variation depending on what Listview you are using but here is a link on how to implement drag-and-drop on an Infragistic UltraListview.


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