1.6 install problem

Peter Jones
Peter Jones
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I had 1.5.1. installed and unistalled before trying to load 1.6. The 1.6 install failed so I checked the forum and could see there was a updated version of the install so I downloaded it and tried again. I uninstalled the failed 1.6 and tried the install again and it failed again - as best as I can remember in exactly the same manner as the first install. I took a screen shot of the install progress and errors which is attached.

My system is a 1Gb XP AMD laptop with Visual Team Studio 2005 and SQL Server 2005 Developer Edition. All with the latest service packs.

Cheers, Peter

SF05.JPG (144 views, 301.00 KB)
Trent Taylor
Trent Taylor
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Make sure the c:\program files\common files\microfour\strataframe\StrataFrame.pkg file was installed.  If so, run the setup again and choose Modify or Repair and run through the setup again.  If the file is missing let me know because this would be your problem.

The only other thing I can think of is that the temp folder where files were extracted does not have one of the extracted files expected.  Just try the repair and let's see if it goes through.

Trent Taylor
Trent Taylor
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FYI, we posted a new update yesterday at 1:00 PM which fixed some minor install problems.  You will want to make sure that you have this version.  We also added a new forum which shows any posted releases and the explanation to go with it so you can determine if this is an installation that may be worth downloading.


Peter Jones
Peter Jones
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Still no luck. Here's what I did:

1) Confirmed the pkg files existed - it did (and still does).

2) Downloaded current version although I pretty sure this what I had for the first install.

3) Installed as a repair.

4) Install stopped - see screen shot. Note the following: a) Says the sample databases had been built but not as far as SQL Server is concerned (started the SQL Server Console after the install hung) and b) The two install jobs are not getting any run time (BTW the Application tab in Task Manager didn't report any running jobs).

5) Could not close down the install screen and tried both a close down and a restart from the Task Manager and neither of which worked. In the end had to power my computer off.

6) On the restart I confirmed the pkg file still existed.

Cheers, Peter

SF06.JPG (106 views, 265.00 KB)
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Peter, can you post the log file that should be located in the C:\Program Files\Common Files\MicroFour\StrataFrame folder?

The one with the latest date would be the best... we're wondering where within the data deployment it died.

Peter Jones
Peter Jones
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Hi Ben,

I had a look in the logs and could see:

"Cannot create file 'C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL.2\MSSQL\DATA\StrataFrame.mdf' because it already exists. Change the file path or the file name, and retry the operation."

I will delete the existing StrateFrame databases and try again. Will let you know how it goes and, if it fails, I will send the logs.

Cheers, Peter

Trent Taylor
Trent Taylor
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If you have deleted already then I know you are going, but the problem is that your BO mappings etc, will be gone.  You can open up SQL Server Management Studio and just mount the StrataFrame.MDF, run the install again, and everything will be fine.  We have found and resolved this issue and will be posting an update later.  But by then I think you will already be OK.  Sorry for any trouble.
Peter Jones
Peter Jones
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Hi Trent,

No problems with any existing info - actually probably better because I was just playing around until 1.6 came along and, yes, the install went ok.

When I ran the CRM demo I received the attached error. I don't care about this unless it indicates a problem that needs to be fixed before we do any serious work in SF.

Cheers, Peter

Trent Taylor
Trent Taylor
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It is because you ran StrataFrame samples in the past and have moved your connection.  Just delete the AppKeys.dat and Connections.dat files from the c:\documents and settings\all users\application data\microfour\connectiondata folder.  You will have to reset your design-time connection as well, but this is simple.  Then run the sample again and it will ask you for the connection information.
Peter Jones
Peter Jones
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See attached screen shot - I don't have that directory? Again, unless this could cause other problems I don't care about not being able to run the sample.

Cheers, Peter

SF08.JPG (130 views, 246.00 KB)

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