Using DevExpress xtraScheduler with StrataFrame

StrataFrame User (270 reputation)StrataFrame User (270 reputation)StrataFrame User (270 reputation)StrataFrame User (270 reputation)StrataFrame User (270 reputation)StrataFrame User (270 reputation)StrataFrame User (270 reputation)StrataFrame User (270 reputation)StrataFrame User (270 reputation)
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Posts: 176, Visits: 1.5K
Is there any information on how to use the DevExpress controls (xtraScheduler is the one I am interested in) with SF BO?  I have put a businessBindingSource on my form at linked it to the SF BO.  The information is inserted into the BO's table but the values are put into the table.  If I change to using a .NET BindingSource,DataSet and TableAdapter everything works just fine.

Any pointer would be great,  Thanks.


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Whenever you say
The information is inserted into the BO's table but the values are put into the table
what do you mean?  Is the data not being copied back into the business object?
StrataFrame User (270 reputation)StrataFrame User (270 reputation)StrataFrame User (270 reputation)StrataFrame User (270 reputation)StrataFrame User (270 reputation)StrataFrame User (270 reputation)StrataFrame User (270 reputation)StrataFrame User (270 reputation)StrataFrame User (270 reputation)
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I meant a new row is being inserted into the table (a blank row) but the values from the "appointment" form are NOT showing in the newly created row.

StrataFrame Team
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Hrm... I'll have to check that.  Maybe they're expecting it to implement some different interfaces as well.  We'll see.
Paul Chase
Paul Chase
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I was having an issue as well but I am just setting the data source of the scheduler to the bo's data table and everything works ok. Also handle some events to automagically save any changes back to the DB when an appoint is added changed or deleted.



Me.SchedulerStorage1.Appointments.DataSource = Me.BoSchedule1.CurrentDataTable

Me.SchedulerStorage1.Resources.DataSource = Me.BoSchedulerResources1.CurrentDataTable


''' <summary>

''' Handle the Appointment Changed,Inserted and Deleted Events and Call the Business Object Save Event

''' </summary>

''' <param name="sender"></param>

''' <param name="e"></param>

''' <remarks></remarks>

Private Sub AppointmentsChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As DevExpress.XtraScheduler.PersistentObjectsEventArgs) Handles SchedulerStorage1.AppointmentsChanged, SchedulerStorage1.AppointmentsInserted, SchedulerStorage1.AppointmentsDeleted


End Sub

Trent Taylor
Trent Taylor
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Glad you got it working Smile
StrataFrame User (270 reputation)StrataFrame User (270 reputation)StrataFrame User (270 reputation)StrataFrame User (270 reputation)StrataFrame User (270 reputation)StrataFrame User (270 reputation)StrataFrame User (270 reputation)StrataFrame User (270 reputation)StrataFrame User (270 reputation)
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Posts: 176, Visits: 1.5K
Thanks for the information,  that seems to work.  Why did I think of that.



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