Display problem on target machine

Keith Chisarik
Keith Chisarik
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(edit: attachments dont seem to be working, hopefully you can still see them, if not I can post elsewhere)

My form that should look like this:

Looks like this:

The target PC is XP SP2, patched to date, screen size, type, manufacturer, resolution, theme settings are all identical to my workstation. I have not seen this before. It is completely ignoring some controls on the screen. Buttons, DetailView control, buttons, textboxes etc are not drawn, or drawn wrong. Any thoughts?

Keith Chisarik
good.jpg (151 views, 58.00 KB)
bad.jpg (139 views, 45.00 KB)
Keith Chisarik
Keith Chisarik
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Update. On another box it looks fine, also XP SP2.

Keith Chisarik
Keith Chisarik
Keith Chisarik
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I also have a SF Listview that will not populate on a deployment box, it causes no errors and the parent table populates correctly so I think it is another visual bug. The rest of my app works fine, all the problems are on the same form.

I am puzzled. Any suggestions appreciated.

Keith Chisarik
Keith Chisarik
Keith Chisarik
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More on my data display problem that happens on any target PC ( to go along with the funky UI issue above that only occurs on one particular box)

It looks to me like the BO's fill method is not populating the BO on production machines, why I cannot imagine.

Some code:


MsgBox("DEBUG: # of rental line items to go in ListView = " & Me.RentitemsBO1.Count)

On my box the BO is populated and the record counts always are spot on for the child data to populate the listview, on any priduction machine the BO.count = zero.

As you can see a very simple fill that works fine on my development box:

Public Sub FillByOrderNumber(ByVal OrderNumber As Integer)

'-- Establish locals

Dim loCommand As New SqlCommand()

'-- Build the query

loCommand.CommandText = "SELECT * FROM rentitems WHERE rent_ordnum = @param1"

'-- Add the parameter

loCommand.Parameters.Add("@param1", SqlDbType.Int)

loCommand.Parameters("@param1").Value = OrderNumber

'-- Execute the command to fill the business object


End Sub

Keith Chisarik
Trent Taylor
Trent Taylor
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OK...let's start with the BO thing first.  Have you turned on Debug mode for the data source on the machine that will not populate the BO and have it output it to HTML?  Let's start here....there is nothing magic here so there is more than likely an issue with the connection talking to the server or some type of error that is being raised and snuffed somewhere.  So let's see if we can tell anything from the debug file.

Next, the UI rendering issues can come from a lot of different sources.  We use GDI+ through .NET for most all of our custom rendering.  A button, at the moment, has no additional rendering functionality added by us and is coming straight from .NET.  When you run into issues like this it generally points to a video driver or video card not playing nice with with Windows GDI+.  I have not seen this exact issue you are having, but I have seen rendering issues related to video cards more than once as well as video settings that tie into the card to provide extended DPI resolutions, etc.  Since this is happening on an isolated machine, I think I would start with a video card (if you have a spare one) and then update the video drivers to see if the problem goes away.  That is the first place I would look.

Javier Porrata
Javier Porrata
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Im having a similar problem, I create the UI in one machine and when change to other the UI seems to shrink, I resize the new machine and everything works fine, but when I get back to the original machine happens the same, is there any settings for the visual part of the UI?

Ivan George Borges
Ivan George Borges
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Hi Javier.

This seems a bit hard to me to say what could be going on without some more information. Could you post some screen pictures or a sample application showing the problem?

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