StrataFrame Forum

Janus Controls Wrapper

By Guillermo Vilas - 1/9/2008

Thanks everyone for helping me through the forum posts, I'm attaching the source code of a wrapper I'm working on. The Janus Grid Control is still a work in progress since I'm working on a several enhancements.

I'm open to suggestions and criticism too Hehe

By Fabrizio Galanti - 2/14/2008


how can i use your wrapper?


By Guillermo Vilas - 2/15/2008

Hi Fabrizio

In the first place you need to have a license of the Janus Windows Controls V.3.5, so you can reference the assemblies correctly in the source project I posted.

Then, you need to build the project to generate a dll that you will need to add in the Visual Studio tool box.

And last you can add any of the wrapped controls to your StandarForms or UserControls.

If you need screenshots just let me know.

By Fabrizio Galanti - 6/24/2008

Hello Guillermo,

you have any update for your wrapper? especially for the GridEX?

By Fabrizio Galanti - 6/24/2008

Fabrizio Galanti (06/25/2008)

Hello Guillermo,

you have any update for your wrapper? especially for the GridEX?


And Timeline BigGrin
By Dustin Taylor - 6/25/2008


There really isn't any reason to wrap a grid. Just use a BusinessBindingSource to talk to the grid directly. No wrapper needed BigGrin.

By Guillermo Vilas - 6/25/2008

Dustin is right,

The Janus GridEX is a monster, and with the BusinessBindigSource works just great!!. Cool
By Fabrizio Galanti - 7/8/2008

Hello Guillermo Vilas,

I'm trying to use the Janus combobox wrapped using this example.

With the combobox Janus me back the following error:


Impossibile eseguire il cast di oggetti di tipo 'System.Object[]' sul tipo 'MicroFour.StrataFrame.UI.Windows.Forms.ComboBoxItem[]'.

Source : MicroFour StrataFrame Janus Wrapper

Stack Trace:

in MicroFour.StrataFrame.UI.Windows.Forms.JanusControls.UIComboBox.PushDataSourceItemsToComboDisplay() in C:\Users\Fabrizio\Desktop\MicroFour StrataFrame Janus Wrapper\Janus\UIComboBox.vb:riga 544

in MicroFour.StrataFrame.UI.Windows.Forms.JanusControls.UIComboBox.PopulateComboBox() in C:\Users\Fabrizio\Desktop\MicroFour StrataFrame Janus Wrapper\Janus\UIComboBox.vb:riga 502

in MicroFour.StrataFrame.UI.Windows.Forms.JanusControls.UIComboBox.set_ValueMember(String value) in C:\Users\Fabrizio\Desktop\MicroFour StrataFrame Janus Wrapper\Janus\UIComboBox.vb:riga 379

in MicroFour.StrataFrame.UI.Windows.Forms.JanusControls.UIComboBox.SetDataSource(Object DataSource, String DisplayMember, String ValueMember)

in MicroFour.StrataFrame.UI.Windows.Forms.ListControl.PopulateComboFromBusinessObject(IListControl lstControl, Object[] Parameters)

in MicroFour.StrataFrame.UI.Windows.Forms.ListControl.PopulateCombo(Control lstControl, Object[] Parameters)

in MicroFour.StrataFrame.UI.Windows.Forms.JanusControls.UIComboBox.PopulateCombo(Object[] Parameters) in C:\Users\Fabrizio\Desktop\MicroFour StrataFrame Janus Wrapper\Janus\UIComboBox.vb:riga 918

in MicroFour.StrataFrame.UI.Windows.Forms.JanusControls.UIComboBox.Requery() in C:\Users\Fabrizio\Desktop\MicroFour StrataFrame Janus Wrapper\Janus\UIComboBox.vb:riga 899

in MicroFour.StrataFrame.UI.Windows.Forms.JanusControls.UIComboBox.InitializeObject() in C:\Users\Fabrizio\Desktop\MicroFour StrataFrame Janus Wrapper\Janus\UIComboBox.vb:riga 883

in MicroFour.StrataFrame.UI.Windows.Forms.BaseForm.InitializeFormLoadObjects()

in MicroFour.StrataFrame.UI.Windows.Forms.BaseForm.OnLoad(EventArgs e)

in System.Windows.Forms.Form.OnCreateControl()

in System.Windows.Forms.Control.CreateControl(Boolean fIgnoreVisible)

in System.Windows.Forms.Control.CreateControl()

in System.Windows.Forms.Control.WmShowWindow(Message& m)

in System.Windows.Forms.Control.WndProc(Message& m)

in System.Windows.Forms.ScrollableControl.WndProc(Message& m)

in System.Windows.Forms.ContainerControl.WndProc(Message& m)

in System.Windows.Forms.Form.WmShowWindow(Message& m)

in System.Windows.Forms.Form.WndProc(Message& m)

in System.Windows.Forms.Control.ControlNativewindow.OnMessage(Message& m)

in System.Windows.Forms.Control.ControlNativewindow.WndProc(Message& m)

in System.Windows.Forms.Nativewindow.Callback(IntPtr hWnd, Int32 msg, IntPtr wparam, IntPtr lparam)

If I use combobox StrataFrame everything works regularly.

You can help me?

Thank you


P.S. Janus gridEx to explain to you my problem in the future
By Guillermo Vilas - 7/8/2008

Hi Fabrizio,

I will check the error, though I don´t use the janus combobox very often since Strataframe added the multicolumn functionality to their combobox.

PS. What are you planning to do with the GridEx? Smile
By Trent L. Taylor - 7/8/2008

Honestly I don't know that I would even try to use their combo box as you will lose all of the automated populated features of the SF combo....which is extremely nice when you get into application development.
By Fabrizio Galanti - 7/8/2008

Guillermo Hello,

I created for you an example that generates the error on combobox.

Thank you

By Guillermo Vilas - 7/8/2008

Hello Fabrizio, I will need to add some changes to the ComboboxItemCollection to make it work but I´m not promise doing it right now. So be patience please. Cool
By Guillermo Vilas - 7/8/2008

Trent L. Taylor (07/08/2008)
Honestly I don't know that I would even try to use their combo box as you will lose all of the automated populated features of the SF combo....which is extremely nice when you get into application development.

I totally agree with you Trent. I just wanted to share a wrapper for those developers that are using Janus adding the most common functionality of the SF Framework. Wink