StrataFrame Forum

Desired Videos and Samples

By Trent L. Taylor - 1/27/2008

We will be creating training videos and more StrataFrame samples.  Please share with us (from both a beginner and advanced user perspective) what types of samples (and videos) that you would like to see.  Please keep your responses relatively brief so that it is easier to catalog the requests.  Thanks! Smile
By Hugo R. Figueroa - 1/28/2008

Web application samples:

how to integrate security

How to subclass web controls so one can use third party controls.

I have discovered all this, but if these examples would had already been here I had saved a tremendous amount of time.

This could save time to others that are new to Strataframe and .net also.


By Greg McGuffey - 1/29/2008

When SF 2.0 comes out, with support for .NET 3.5, here are some things I'm going to be looking for:

- LINQ examples within BOs, since I'll likely be learning about LINQ then BigGrin

- Examples of better ways of doing things...i.e. compare the 1.6 way to the 2.0 way

- New control examples (not sure videos are needed, unless the control is complex)
By Terry Bottorff - 1/29/2008




A sample that would allow you to add/edit any of these.


Creating reports.