By Michael Reese - 5/27/2008
I am getting the above error after logging into my application. I created a security project, deployed it into my application (with data) via the DDT.It happens at this point Protected Overridable Sub OnAttemptLogin()RaiseEvent AttemptLogin(Me, EventArgs.Empty)End SubMichael
By Greg McGuffey - 5/27/2008
Looks like all the security views didn't get deployed. First (just to be sure), have you deployed the security tables/views/etc. to the database? When you deployed were there any errors?
By Trent L. Taylor - 5/27/2008
It looks like Greg is on the doesn't look like your security tables were deployed with your application or you are using a separate database for security and did not set the data source key for the security might double-check your deployed environment on these points.
By Michael Reese - 5/27/2008
In the same database. Had some errors. I tried to redeploy and cannot get the views. What should I do?Thanks
By Trent L. Taylor - 5/28/2008
That is somewhat of a tough question First, make sure that the views are in your profile...that would be the first step. If not, then you will want to reimport them into the DDT, then redeploy. That would be the first place to look.