By Charles R Hankey - 8/29/2008
Perhaps someone else can confirm :
Importing VFP DBC with very latest 1.66:
tables of selected DBC show in picklist. Whether selecting all or some, no tables are imported into DDT schema. Database created, but no tables.

By Charles R Hankey - 9/3/2008
Just bumping this one. Is there anyone with a VFP database who could try a quick import of a table or 2 into DDT and see if it is coming in? Just need to know if this is something broken in most recent DDT or if for some reason my local version just refused to do VFP tables ( I am in the middle of doing a big VFP - SQL conversion and this would save me a LOT of time )

By Edhy Rijo - 9/3/2008
Hi Charles,I just did the same test per your request and I can confirm the same results as yours, no tables are imported, just the database gets created in the DDT. Guess you're not dreaming 
By Charles R Hankey - 9/3/2008
Thanks Eddy -
I'm a child of the 60s, so I always like to have my hallucinations confirmed 
I think now Dustin or Trent will see this and I would not be surprised if the bug is an easy one to fix.
By Dustin Taylor - 9/3/2008
There is obviously something going on, but it is actually working on my end. Any chance you can zip up one of your DBCs that fail along with the associated tables so I can give that a shot?Thanks! 
By Edhy Rijo - 9/3/2008
Hi Dustin,Here is a small test that failed on my end. I am using the latest beta posted.
By Charles R Hankey - 9/3/2008
The dbc you posted fails for me as well. DBC is created. No tables.
By Dustin Taylor - 9/3/2008
 She works for me. Go figure. It sounds like it is snuffing an error on the table import, and the only thing that I can think of that would be different between my environment and you guys' is the vfp oledb. I'm sure I'm preaching to the choir on this one, but you guys do have the 9.0 VFP OLEDB driver loaded on your dev machines, right? You can double check by grabbing the one here, installing it, then giving the import another go.
By Edhy Rijo - 9/3/2008
Dustin Taylor (09/03/2008)
the only thing that I can think of that would be different between my environment and you guys' is the vfp oledb. I'm sure I'm preaching to the choir on this one, but you guys do have the 9.0 VFP OLEDB driver loaded on your dev machines, right? You can double check by grabbing the one here, installing it, then giving the import another go. Nope, I just downloaded the VFPOleDB from your link, installed, re-import and nothing. I guess you may be running a newest DDT 
By Charles R Hankey - 9/3/2008
Same result here. Installed the latest VFPOLEDB from your link, following instructions, told install was successful.
Imports DBC - no tables
Vista and very latest SF
FWIW this is the first build where I've had a problem.
By Roger Lightbody, Jr - 9/8/2008
I am trying to import from a SQL database and am seeing the same issues, it imported my views ok, but no tables were imported.
By Roger Lightbody, Jr - 9/8/2008
Just went and downloaded the latest version of the beta (posted 8-27-08) and that fixed the problem for me.
By Charles R Hankey - 9/8/2008
My understanding is the version just prior to the last had problems importing tables from anything. the fix in the latest version seems to have fixed the importing of SQL tables but VFP tables are not coming in. ( Dustin says it works for him, but neither Edhy nor I can get it to import - all of us using the same test database that Edhy posted and the latest versions of DDT and of VFPOLEDB )

By Keith Chisarik - 9/8/2008
Guys,I have never tried to import a VFP database until now, I have an old product of ours to convert and I just started the project. I just wanted you to know that the DDT import worked and brought in all the tables and views in addition to creating the database. There must be something to your environment, are you using VFP9 DBC? I know mine was. If I can offer anything else to help you fix your issue please let me know. I am attaching the database I imported, perhaps you can try this and get another data point towards a resolution. Good luck.
By Dustin Taylor - 9/9/2008
Whoops  Trent just got back from vacation and I ran this by him. Turns out we are looking for VFP OLE DB version 8, not 9, on the DDT imports, so I told you wrong (Edhy and Charles). Any chance you guys could try swapping the .dll to version 8 and giving it another shot? I'd love to get to the bottom of why neither of you can get this working on your machines!
By Edhy Rijo - 9/9/2008
Dustin Taylor (09/09/2008)
Whoops  Trent just got back from vacation Somehow I got the impression at the training that he was not allow to take vacations without his notebook Turns out we are looking for VFP OLE DB version 8, not 9, on the DDT imports, so I told you wrong (Edhy and Charles). Any chance you guys could try swapping the .dll to version 8 and giving it another shot? I'd love to get to the bottom of why neither of you can get this working on your machines! I will see if I can get version 8 somewhere to test it. But I am wondering, if the DDT is checking for specific version of the oldb, shouldn't the DDT display a warning message?
By Charles R Hankey - 9/9/2008
Ouch. I think I may have the 8.0 version someplace and I guess since I really don't use the VFEOLEDB for anything else I can keep that one loaded if necessary. I'll try to test it and let you know.
By Charles R Hankey - 9/9/2008
DDT must be pretty fussy (at least in the latest version) I have now tested with vfpoledb.dll dated
11/04/05 and 10/15/07 and neither imports tables.
Could you just post the DLL you are using so we can test that?
(and Keith, would you check the date on the one you are using)
By Keith Chisarik - 9/9/2008
see attached file please
By Trent L. Taylor - 9/10/2008
Well, let's just take out some of the variables and maybe you can determine what the issue is on your side. Here is what is done within the DDT VFP table import:- Connection String = "Provider=VFPOLEDB;Data Source=C:\MyDBC.dbc"
- An OleDbConnection is created using the above specified connection string
- We then call the GetOleDbSchemaTable to get the tables within the DBC
Dim myTables As DataTable myTables = Connection.GetOleDbSchemaTable(OleDbSchemaGuid.Tables, New Object() {Nothing, Nothing, Nothing, "TABLE"})
- This will retrieve all of the tables. You can then get all of the columns for a table using this call on the same connection object:
Dim myColumns As DataTable myColumns = Connection.GetOleDbSchemaTable(OleDbSchemaGuid.Columns, New Object() {Nothing, Nothing, "TableName",Nothing})
That's it would appear that one of these two calls are failing in your environments. You might just want to create a test program and try this yourself to see if you can determine if an exception is being thrown. Also, this should have abolsutely nothing to do with the latest build as this portion of the import wizard has not changed in a very long time and the import is working for us as well as a number of other users on this same build (even using the DBC provided by Edhy). Let me know if you have any insight or exceptions thrown with the above code and then we may be able to figure out an all around solution.