StrataFrame Forum

"Save and New" toolbar button?

By Aaron Young - 10/8/2008


I think users would appreciate a "Save and New" toolbar button that, surprisingly, saves the current record before adding a new record. It is in a number of applications including Microsoft Office Accounting and is very useful.

Pretty please? Smile


By Trent L. Taylor - 10/8/2008

This is the first time I have ever had that request Smile  Does Microsoft still take this approach...I know that it was in older versions of Office (or maybe Access I can't remember) but it seems that they have moved away from this.  No that that changes anything.  We will talk about this for a future update.  If you look at the StrataFlix sample, you will see that we have been starting to move the interface in a different direction that seems to be catching on very well with out users (both StrataFrame and our medical software).  We will not abandon the MaintenanceFormToolstrip, but we have spent a lot of time and have finally come up with a differnet implementation using actions and an action area which is a more dynamic and flexible approach to user interaction.  But like I said, I can see the validity of this and it will definitely be considered.