StrataFrame Forum

Setting Collation for a New Database Install

By Geoff Hirst - 5/10/2009


Can I set the collation for a new database anywhere? If not, could this be added?

In the meantime, can I work around it by using a pre-deployment script?

thanks in advance


By Trent L. Taylor - 5/11/2009

Actaully we ran into this just the other day ourselves and had to write a script to make sure that all databases are updated.  We did this in a pre-deploymkent script to make sure that our collation.  We have already added this functionality to the DDT, though, and will be in the next update we post.

By Geoff Hirst - 5/11/2009


Thanks man, appreciated.

I did overcome it with a script also, however I found that redeploying caused major issues, unless I manually dropped the DB before hand.


By Trent L. Taylor - 5/11/2009

Yeah, it was "fun" to get this working! BigGrin

I will try to do a build today and get it posted.

By ChanKK - 8/24/2009


Would this feature auto correct the existing field collation or only as database default collation?

Thank you
By Trent L. Taylor - 8/25/2009

Database. If you have field level collation issues then you will need to write a sproc to update each individual column to get that collation back in alignment. Once this is done, then the database collation should take effect from that point forward. We actually had to do this in the field the other day to correct a database that had been changed somehow for certain fields. Once we reset the individual fields again, then we were back on track.