StrataFrame Forum

Free DevExpress controls for Winforms and Silverlight

By Charles R Hankey - 2/5/2010

This looks like a pretty good thing for SF developers. Just registered 5 minutes ago so haven't received install stuff yet but wanted to share the link before I forget

By Trent L. Taylor - 2/5/2010

Thanks, Charles.
By Ger Cannoll - 2/5/2010

Hi Charles. Thanks for sharing this info.

Is it safe to assume that all these controls work with StrataFrame ?

By Trent L. Taylor - 2/5/2010

They will. We have a lot of users using DevExpress controls. The base level controls will tie into the DevExpress Wrapper (MicroFour StrataFrame Inherited UI).
By Russell Scott Brown - 2/5/2010

Thanks Charles!

I'm going to check it out too.

By Ger Cannoll - 2/8/2010

Thats good to hear.. I knew A Dev Express grid tied in but great to hear all othe controls tie in also



By Charles R Hankey - 2/8/2010

The SF wrappers take care of pretty much all the winforms stuff, but the freebie from DevEx only covers the XtraEditors and the Silverlight controls ( spelled out pretty clearly on their website ) You get the other stuff in the download but they are trials.

But the XtraEditor controls in themselves are cool and work right out of the box with if you include the Microfour Strataframe Inherited UI.

By Russell Scott Brown - 2/8/2010

OK.  Thanks.  I did download and install them but have not yet used them.

I plan on checking out the DevExpress Grid too.

By Jocelyn Dagrain - 6/2/2010


I try to reference the Microfor Strataframe Inherited UI

But I can not see the Strataframe properties of these controls

How can I installed the wapper for Devexpress 9.2

Thank you

By Charles R Hankey - 6/2/2010

You must first open and rebuild the source code for the Microfour.Strataframe.InheritedUI project.

I found the steps in the post referenced below necessary after getting an error about the Afterbuild.bat file when building.

You will need to change the references to the 9.3 dlls. I also found I needed to right click each reference and change specific version to false and to exclude the licx (license) file from the project

to use the controls in your SF project you will need to add references for





You don't need the DevExpress controls in the toolbox if you are only using the controls wrapped by SF
By Jocelyn Dagrain - 6/2/2010

Thank you it work fine