StrataFrame Forum

Error while attempting to create package (event ID #1026)

By Michel Levy - 2/12/2010


I've got an error IndexOutOfRange during during the creation of a package.

what does it mean? what should I do?

By Trent L. Taylor - 2/12/2010

Well, this looks to be happening in regards to your deployment data. If you build the package without including the deployment data, does the error persist? I am willing to bet, "no." In that case, you will want to take a closer look at your deployment data entries again and possible remove them and add them back one-by-one to see which was is the culprit. Most times when something like this happens, it is actually an issue at the time of gathering the data from the source.
By Ivan George Borges - 2/12/2010

Hi Michel.

Have you changed the structure of a table that already had a Deployment Data package created?

By Michel Levy - 2/12/2010


yes, I've changed the structure of one table on SSMS (alter columns from integer to decimal), and wanted to check if I could do it with DDT. So I've done the same changes in DDT project.


the error occurs on building the package, not on deployment. But having a look in my project, I can see that the indexes with more than 16 columns included  have been imported. As we know now that there is a problem here, that index is probably the culprit. I'll have a try without this index.

By Trent L. Taylor - 2/12/2010

I know that it isn't happening on deployment. I was referring to Deployment Data. It failed when trying to package up the deployment data. Please confirm. Thanks.
By Michel Levy - 2/12/2010

Sorry for misunderstanding Blush

You are right: without deployment data, no error occurs

By Trent L. Taylor - 2/12/2010

Cool Cool. So you might want to start working backwards to determine what deployment package item is causing the issue. Once isolated it will be far easier to diagnose as to what is going on.
By Ivan George Borges - 2/12/2010

I would bet a million dollars the problem will be the table that you changed the structure of. Once I change the structure of a table that has a Deployment Data package, I delete that package and re-create the package.

OK, I've already started printing the money...

By Trent L. Taylor - 2/12/2010

LOL...Ivan, print some for me!!!! BigGrin
By Michel Levy - 2/12/2010

Trent, Ivan

I'll try it tomorrow (8:45 PM here in France, Doze )