By Jeffrey J Pagley - 6/10/2010
Hi SF,ES has suddenly stopped responding. The web site is up and running. ( I have logged onto the server and attempted to load the Status.aspx page into the local browser and it will not load. Please help! Jeff
By Jeffrey J Pagley - 6/11/2010
Hi SF,What is the status on my issue? I really need to get this resolve as soon as possible. I have clients waiting to get online and use my application utilizing ES. Since I purchased a 25 license ES package, is there the ability to escalate this issue to a higher priority to get immediate support instead of having to wait 24 hours for a response? I am just asking, because in my case when ES is not working I have clients who can't use my application and that does not make them happy. Thanks, Jeff
By Ivan George Borges - 6/11/2010
Hi Jeffrey.If you can't get the status page to come up most likely the site isn't setup correctly. It should be simple getting that going. Even if the license expired you can see it on the status page. Also, under your account we just see an SDK. Could you tell me the account with the purchased license that I can look at? The is on under your SDK.
By Ivan George Borges - 6/11/2010
OK, we found the account. Can your server contact That would be the only way the license would have shut down. Need to get to the status.aspx page to see hat your license details says.
By Jeffrey J Pagley - 6/11/2010
Hi Ivan,So you know there has been no changes made to the server or IIS settings before ES stop working. This is the message I get when browsing to the link: This error (HTTP 403 Forbidden) means that Internet Explorer was able to connect to the website, but it does not have permission to view the webpage. Also, I can browse to as well. What next? Jeff
By Jeffrey J Pagley - 6/11/2010
Hi Ivan,The account I purchased the 25 licenses is under thanks, Jeff
By Ivan George Borges - 6/11/2010
Just checking... you still don't have the status page coming up?
By Jeffrey J Pagley - 6/11/2010
Sorry, but no.Jeff
By Ivan George Borges - 6/11/2010
Was it already running under your licensed account? I ask you because you said you had up and running, but this is under your SDK. And even with this, you should still have the status page coming up, that's why we thought that the site most likely wasn't setup correctly.
By Jeffrey J Pagley - 6/11/2010
Hi Ivan,I initially was using my SDK licenses for testing purposes. But when I bought my 25 licenses, I installed that license 2-3 months ago and the site has been running under the 25 licenses account ever since that date until now. Jeff
By Ivan George Borges - 6/11/2010
Got it. I am checking with the guys.
By Ivan George Borges - 6/11/2010
Jeffrey, just to give you an update: we are facing some serious problems at our internal network and everybody is rushing around to get it fixed. Your issue is also on the table to be taken care of and we will get back to you the soonest.
By Jeffrey J Pagley - 6/14/2010
Ivan,What is the status on my issue? Jeff
By Ivan George Borges - 6/14/2010
Hi Jeffrey.You really should be able to get the status page, at least. So, we will try to get the DNS out of question. Please, could you go to your hosts files (c:\windows\system32\drivers\etc\hosts), edit it and add your domain for the IP? It should look something like this: 
By Jeffrey J Pagley - 6/14/2010
Hi Ivan,I made the change and restarted the server. The Status.aspx page is loading. Enterprise Server is now responding. Why did I need to add that entry into the Hosts file when it was not required before when it was working for the last of couple of months? Jeff
By Trent L. Taylor - 6/14/2010
Why did I need to add that entry into the Hosts file when it was not required before when it was working for the last of couple of months?
It didn't. Ivan and I were talking this morning and this only circumvents the DNS lookup on the machine in which you add it. We assumed that the problem that you were having was DNS related. So if this machine is your DNS server that resolves your host name, then something changed...OR...your DNS service had died and was no longer responding. We just took DNS out of the formula. So if the rest of the world can log into your ES server and is up, then this entry had absolutely nothing to do with that. We were just going to use this as a diagnostic tool to remove the DNS resolution from the formula so we could get to the status page.
By Jeffrey J Pagley - 6/14/2010
Hi Trent/Ivan,OK. I believe I understand your explanation after talking to my network admin. Thank you for helping me resolve my issue. Jeff
By Ivan George Borges - 6/14/2010
Glad you got it going, Jeffrey.