StrataFrame Forum

Custom Login Form keeps the size of the SF Login's Form

By Marcelo Blank - 4/20/2011

Hi, I new in SF Forum (and in the tool !!!).

But I already like it a lot !!!

Im my first project using it I create a new Login form (SF Login form) and I change the appearance of myLogin form, but when the app runs it shows myLogin
with the size of the SF Login's template .... I change the program.cs (is C#) , etc...

My database has the SFS* tables .... (for security)...

I'm using VS2010 Framework 4.0 and SF version


By Ivan George Borges - 4/20/2011

Hi Marcelo.

Welcome to the community!

Have a look at the "Registry" component that came together with your LoginForm. Once you click at it, you will find the "RegistryKey" in its properties window. This sets where the window size and position should be save in the registry. You have probably run your application with the LoginForm at a certain size, then edited it and changed its size and run the application again. But first time you run it, size and position were saved and once you get back to it, they are set to the last saved numbers and since you probably have this window's FormBorderStyle set to FixedToolWindow, you are not able to change it.

Anyway, hope this is the case so it will be easy to fix it, you can either delete that registry entry or change the RegistryKey propertie value.

By Marcelo Blank - 4/20/2011


I thought it was that ... now I'm sure ...

Abraços e obrigado.

By Ivan George Borges - 4/20/2011

De nada!