StrataFrame Forum

Installing Modified StartaFrame to 64 bit Windows Server 2008

By lastcanary - 4/22/2011


My aim was to install my licenseon a Windows 2008 Server PC but when I couldnt manage it with my laptop I didntcontinue with it. When I managed to install it to my laptop I thought that Ican manage it with the Windows 2008 Server. I deactivated my license on mylaptop, installed StrataFrame to Windows 2008 Server and registered my modifiedStrataFrame dlls to GAC area using gacutil.

I didnt receive any error when Istart Visual Studio 2010 but when I run my application and when a class isbeing used by the program that was in the modified dll it gives an error. Ithink that this shows that the application is still using the originalStrataFrame dll that doesnt contain this class.

 “Could not load type'MicroFour.StrataFrame.UI.Windows.Forms.MyJoins' from assembly 'MicroFourStrataFrame Base, Version=, Culture=neutral,PublicKeyToken=99fe9917f71608a7'.”

 My 64 bit Windows 2008 Server is a Core2Quad CPU PC with 4 GB of RAM.

 Could you please help me tosolve this problem?


Best Regards,

By Peter Jones - 4/24/2011


We also have a modification to a piece of SF code (a bug fix actually).

When we get a SF update we change the SF code and recompile and we have never had a problem.

If possible I would try that approach, that is:

1) Install SF on  your server.

2) Modify the SF code as you did on your laptop.

3) Recompile SF.

Cheers, Peter
By lastcanary - 5/4/2011

I am sorry but it didnt work.

Nothing was changed. It is giving the same error:

 “Could not load type'MicroFour.StrataFrame.UI.Windows.Forms.MyJoins' from assembly 'MicroFourStrataFrame Base, Version=, Culture=neutral,PublicKeyToken=99fe9917f71608a7'.”

Please help
By Ivan George Borges - 5/4/2011

You probably have an old DLL version somewhere else on your hard drive. Try doing a search on C:\ for "MicroFour StrataFrame UI.dll" and see if you find copies around. Get rid of the ones you don't need. I have even found copies that Visual Studio creates on its own under temp folders.