StrataFrame Forum

Browse Dialog Results Grid

By Marcia G Akins - 11/2/2011

Hi All.

I had a request this morning and was just wondering how hard this would be to implement Smile What would I need to do to make the Browse Dialog's results grid configurable by the user. You know - give them a way to pick which field to include.


-- Marcia
By Edhy Rijo - 11/2/2011

Hi Marcia,

I have not done that, but I guess you may be able to do it since the Browser Dialog is basically data driven.  What I have done is subclass browse dialogs to allow me to use the same class with different options, but they are pre-coded, so if you know what possible columns they may use, you can give them 2 or 3 version of the same subclassed browser dialog.
By Marcia G Akins - 11/2/2011

Edhy Rijo (11/2/2011)
I have not done that, but I guess you may be able to do it since the Browser Dialog is basically data driven.  What I have done is subclass browse dialogs to allow me to use the same class with different options, but they are pre-coded, so if you know what possible columns they may use, you can give them 2 or 3 version of the same subclassed browser dialog.

Hi Edhy.

The request that I had was for the display results to be configurable by the user. I would guess that that is not such an easy task Smile
By Ger Cannoll - 11/2/2011

Hi Marcia.

I have not done this with the Browsids Dialog, but have done it with the Devexpress Grid, whcih behaves well with the SF BBS. All my grids are 'Data Driven' in that the Fields, Sequence, Headings etc are taken from a Data Table.  Also with the Devexpress Grid, you can 'Save' the settings to an XML file (by user) and then restore them on say the load of the grid (Hav not done this myself yet thouugh), with just one or two lines of code


By Marcia G Akins - 11/3/2011

Gerard O Carroll (11/2/2011)
I have not done this with the Browsids Dialog, but have done it with the Devexpress Grid, whcih behaves well with the SF BBS. All my grids are 'Data Driven' in that the Fields, Sequence, Headings etc are taken from a Data Table.  Also with the Devexpress Grid, you can 'Save' the settings to an XML file (by user) and then restore them on say the load of the grid (Hav not done this myself yet thouugh), with just one or two lines of code

Hi Gerard.

Thanks for the information. As it so happens, I am waiting on a DevExpress license. I will check out the code in the BrowseDialog class to see what I need to do to create a subclass that does what I want.
