By Felix M Avendano - 3/5/2012
As I can see, the Browse dialog manage strings allways with begin with, or contains, what If I want to use the denial, not contains, for example. Is there a way to do this? Regards
By Ivan George Borges - 3/5/2012
Hi Felix.
You can use the BrowseDialog "Searching" event and deal with the "e.RawWhereStatementsCollection". I guess you could loop through this collection and find the statement you want and then deal with it in a way to fulfill your needs.
By Felix M Avendano - 3/6/2012
Thanks. I`ll try this way. Regards!!!
By Felix M Avendano - 3/6/2012
I tried but there's something I'm missing,
I´ve browse the where statement type options and I realize that I need onother one. May be the correct question is how can i add a new where statement type with it's corresponding statement clause.
I´ve found an example but it´s not exactly what I want. If I do it in this way I have to hardcode something I don´t want to.
'-- Establish Locals Dim where As WhereStatement Dim MyLocalidades As New System.Collections.ArrayList()
'-- Determine which values will be included as part of the "IN" tag
'-- Create the where statement. In this example, we are going to have the test perform
where = New WhereStatement(New String() {"Localidad"}, MyLocalidades, ...
'-- Add the where statement to the collection
By Ivan George Borges - 3/6/2012
That is basically how you would add a new statement. What do you need to do?