StrataFrame Forum

Error in designer when working with SF User control

By Jeff Pagley - 2/11/2013

I have just upgraded my project to Visual Studio 2012 and I added a new SF user control to the project.  While working on the SF user control,  I am periodically getting the attached error in the designer.  To clear the error I have to exit out of the VS 2012 and reload my project.  Why am I getting this error?


By StrataFrame Team - 2/12/2013

You're not the only one getting the error, Jeff.  So far, we're thinking it has to do with the way Visual Studio is lazy-loading the elements in the solution explorer.  We're expecting an item to be in the project tree when it's not.  When we have a working fix, we will let everyone know.
By Ivan George Borges - 2/12/2013

I used to get lots of these all day long a while ago. At one point, I put together a new box with Win8 and VS2012 and since then I have never had any issues. On my old machine, it started after I upgraded from VS2008 to VS2010 I think. The environment probably has some effect on this, but I was never able to find out the culprit.
By Michael Reese - 2/12/2013


Thanks for the link.

Building another development laptop for a "possible solution" is not going to happen anytime soon.

I have to make other plans.
