StrataFrame Forum

Why not allow changing the image file name of devexpress ?

By Dong Trien Lam - 7/20/2014

in the example of the DevExpress have the following code, I want to change the image file with another file name but is not,warning error: Error 1 Unable to copy file "online.gif" to "obj\Debug\Red.gif". Could not find file 'online.gif' 

DevExpress.XtraBars.BarEditItem = (Bitmap)DevExpress.Utils.Controls.ImageHelper.CreateImageFromResources("", typeof(frmMain).Assembly);
DevExpress.XtraBars.BarEditItem = (Bitmap)DevExpress.Utils.Controls.ImageHelper.CreateImageFromResources("Red.gif", typeof(frmMain).Assembly);

By Ivan George Borges - 7/21/2014

Hi Dong.

Welcome to the forum.

I tried to find some DevExpress Sample under the StrataFrame folder and the one I found was in the "VB.NET Samples" directory. This one apparently didn't have any line that you described here.

Anyway, by the message error you are getting I can only guess the file couldn't be found.

Let me know if I should check somewhere else.


By Dong Trien Lam - 7/21/2014

Ivan George Borges (7/21/2014)
Hi Dong.

Welcome to the forum.

I tried to find some DevExpress Sample under the StrataFrame folder and the one I found was in the "VB.NET Samples" directory. This one apparently didn't have any line that you described here.

Anyway, by the message error you are getting I can only guess the file couldn't be found.

Let me know if I should check somewhere else.



you find me follow the example of the attachment 

private void frmMain_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e) {
      barEditItem1.EditValue = (Bitmap)DevExpress.Utils.Controls.ImageHelper.CreateImageFromResources("", typeof(frmMain).Assembly);
By Ivan George Borges - 7/22/2014

Hi Dong.

But what you are showing in the attached picture is a DevXpress sample folder installed by the DevXpress installer itself. It is not a StrataFrame sample, as it appears. Have you tried posting your issue at the DevXpress support forum?

