StrataFrame Forum

Win 10 VS 2015 and the New VISX

By Buffie - 10/29/2015

I am about to install on a new laptop with the above operating system and VS.
I have the latest VISX file and have unzipped the files and I want to make sure I understand what to do.
I want to copy the files:

"MicroFour StrataFrame AddIns.dll"
"MicroFour StrataFrame Extensibility.dll"
to the following:


Then I want to do the Following but I don't know where to do this????

gacutil /if "%path%/MicroFour StrataFrame AddIns.dll"
gacutil /if "%path%/MicroFour StrataFrame Extensibility.dll"
Finally, I want to run the VISX.

Is this correct?


By Edhy Rijo - 10/29/2015

Hi Terry,

Here is what you need to do:
  1. install the VSIX
  2. Copy the MicroFour StrataFrame Extensibility.dll and MicroFour StrataFrame AddIns.dll in the GAC and possibly C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\MicroFour\StrataFrame\ folder.
  3. Run the Developer Command Prompt for VS2015 as Administrator
  4. Uninstall assemblies with the following commands:
    • gacutil.exe /uf "MicroFour StrataFrame AddIns"
    • gacutil.exe /u "MicroFour StrataFrame Extensibility"
  5. Then Install the new assemblies with the following commands:
    • gacutil.exe /if "%CommonProgramFiles(x86)%\MicroFour\StrataFrame\MicroFour StrataFrame AddIns.dll" /f
    • gacutil.exe /if "%CommonProgramFiles(x86)%\MicroFour\StrataFrame\MicroFour StrataFrame Extensibility.dll" /f
By Buffie - 10/29/2015

That subdirectory was not there but I created it and was able to copy the two files into it.

I ran VS as an Admin and then I ran the command prompt.

See the attached picture with error that I got when I tried running the gacutil.exe

Do I need to do something else?


By StrataFrame Team - 10/29/2015

You will likely need to run the "Developer Command Prompt for VS 2015".  It sets up the paths necessary for the command prompt to find gacutil.  The shortcut for it should be in your start menu in the Visual Studio 2015 folder.
By Buffie - 10/29/2015

Thank you two very much. At least I am able to load VS without any errors but I don't have time to try anything else at this time so that will be tomorrows endeavor.
Again, thank you guys very much.
By Buffie - 10/30/2015

Back at testing and not having much luck.
I have attached 2 pics that show the results of yesterdays using the gacutil with the Dlls and it looks like it worked.
Today I am actually in VS and I have attached the Menu that shows up.
But when I click on the Licensing Choice or for that matter any choice NOTHING happens???

Also, note that BOM choice is not available.

What did I miss or what should I try next?

By StrataFrame Team - 10/30/2015

The logic to control the menu (such as enable the BOMapper menu item and handle the clicks) is in the MicroFour.StrataFrame.Package.dll that is installed with the VSIX.  Did you download the latest version from the sticky thread, uninstall it from Visual Studio and re-run the new one?
By Buffie - 10/30/2015

I feel like I am one stupid pup but what is the Sticky Thread and how do I uninstall from VS?
I truly appreciate your time and help.

By StrataFrame Team - 10/30/2015

No problem Smile  And the thread hasn't technically been made "sticky," it's just the Posted Releases thread on the homepage.

  1. Open Visual Studio -> Tools -> Extensions and Updates -> (Left Menu) Installed -> All -> (Middle List) MicroFour StrataFrame -> Uninstall. 
  2. You'll get a note at the bottom of the dialog that you have to restart VS for the changes to take effect.
  3. Close VS
  4. Go to
  5. Download the attachment and extract the .vsix from it.
  6. Double-click the .vsix from where you extracted it.
  7. You'll get the dialog asking into what versions of VS you want to install it.
  8. Choose VS2015 and others if you want.
  9. Finish the setup.
  10. Restart VS.
Steps 5-10 you've obviously done before because you have the .vsix installed.  But removing them isn't as straightforward Wink and that's steps 1-4.  There is an update mechanism for VSIX, but you have to publish it to the VS Gallery, and we decided to not do that; at least with this version.
By Buffie - 10/30/2015

Unfortunately same result?
By StrataFrame Team - 10/30/2015

If you go to 


in Windows Explorer, do you have an ActivityLog.xml file there?  That's where VS logs any errors thrown while trying to launch packages.
By Buffie - 10/30/2015

I don't have one?
By Edhy Rijo - 10/30/2015

hmmmm, weird stuff here.
Terry, this should be a straight forward configuration:
  1. Install VS2015
  2. Install SQL Server
  3. Install StrataFrame SF1
  4. Install new StrataFrame Addin VSIX as per my instructions in my previous reply.
That should be it.  If there anything you may have missed from these steps?
By Buffie - 10/30/2015

Ok Ok I thought I might need to install the original SF package and I did not do that. I  did not have the Strataframe Database Anywhere and I thought that was very strange. Sorry. 

So should I now uninstall the Add in, then install original SF and then reinstall the visx? Is there anything I need to do after I install the original SF?

I told you I thought I was missing something. Something HUGE.

Again so very sorry.

By Edhy Rijo - 10/30/2015

Hi Terry,

No problem, just install everything in the same order I post before.  But before doing that, uninstall the SF addin from the VS Tools menu.

Also, if you will be connection to a StrataFrame database in another computer, then there is no need to install SQL server, but if you want to have a totally separate SF installation in your laptop, then you will need all the components.
By Buffie - 10/30/2015

Thank you. I will get to that shortly and let you know.
By Buffie - 10/30/2015

Alright, now I think I am on the plus side. Forms seem to work and the BOM showed up and I was able to activate. What else do you need on a Friday afternoon?

Thanks for all the time and effort.
By Edhy Rijo - 10/30/2015

Ha!!!, glad you got it working.

Have a nice weekend!
By StrataFrame Team - 10/30/2015

<facepalm> I did not even think about that.  Yes, the package and the AddIns and Extensibility DLLs need to have the rest of StrataFrame installed.  

Thanks Edhy.