StrataFrame Forum

Upgrading from 1.6.6 to 1.7.7 help

By Rylster - 12/2/2015

Hi there,

I have an older Strataframe application (VS2005, SQL 2005) that I would like to upgrade to VS2010 and SQL 2010)

After using the visual studio conversion I get many errors about the BOs.
The most numerous being "MicroFour.StrataFram.Business.FieldPropertyDesciptor does not contain a constructor that takes 1 arguments.

What is the best strategy?
Rebuild all BO's and then add the custom code afterwards?

Thanks in advance
By StrataFrame Team - 12/2/2015

Yes, I would do a rebuild-all.  The rebuild will only replace the partial class; and if you have properties that are customized in the BOMapper, those will be output the same way.  

And if you're using source control, you can do a before/after diff to make sure that the custom code you need wasn't lost.