By Ben Hayat - 5/1/2007
If you could please consider the followings when editing/adding table columns
a) In data type size, could you allow to delete the zero with keyboard "delete" key, rather trying to grab it with mouse and delete it? I also noticed a bug too. By default it shows 10 for VarChar, but I need to put 40 in there. Since it doesn't let me delete the 1 and zero, I typed 40, which became 4010. But now, it won't allow me to delete the last 1 and zero. It keeps going to 4010.
b) For the "Save" button, could you allow CTRL+S to save?
By Trent L. Taylor - 5/1/2007
Most of these features have already been implemented and will be available in the next update.
By Ben Hayat - 5/1/2007
Trent L. Taylor (05/01/2007) Most of these features have already been implemented and will be available in the next update.
By Trent L. Taylor - 5/1/2007
Since it doesn't let me delete the 1 and zero, I typed 40, which became 4010. Just FYI, this is default NumericUpDown functionality. There is little we can do on this point. We may change the control type altogether, but until this is done this functionality will remain.
By Ben Hayat - 5/1/2007
We may change the control type altogether, but until this is done this functionality will remain.
I leave it up to your judgment! Thanks for the extra info.
By Ben Hayat - 5/2/2007
b) For the "Save" button, could you allow CTRL+S to save?
One little change to this:
Keep the current "Save" button as is, except the caption should say "Save & Close".
Then add another one that just says "Save" and this should have the CTRL+S keyboard shortcut to save BUT not close the form. This way, we can frequently save without exiting the form.
p.s., BTW, how do you guys say "Thanks" in TX? I figure if I learn the local language, that might give me a leverage! LOL...
By Keith Chisarik - 5/2/2007
Texas lingo 101
"I'm going to do it" = "Fixin to"
To destroy, delete, or otherwise obliterate = "smoke it"
thats all I remember from August
By Steve L. Taylor - 5/2/2007
Hey Keith, we need you in this class. We are going to have food and everything. Bob, told me you are busy. Have you tried begging?  Steve
By Ivan George Borges - 5/2/2007
p.s., BTW, how do you guys say "Thanks" in TX? I would risk it is going to be "gracias" 
By StrataFrame Team - 5/2/2007
I would risk it is going to be "gracias" At the rate that the guys from the south are jumping the border, yes, it will be gracias soon enough... Until then, it's probably going to stay "Thank you, sir." And don't forget the "sir" Or just "thanks."
By Ben Hayat - 5/2/2007
"Thank you, sir."
That, brings up an embracing memory, but you guys have to promise me not to make fun of me.
I was always taught by my parent to say "Thank You Sir", and had become my second nature to say that.
Well, in my teens, when I received my first (and best) kiss from this girl, I turned around and said,... "Thank you Sir", and before you know I got a slap on the face for saying "Thank You Sir". Since then I always think about it twice 
By StrataFrame Team - 5/2/2007
Yeah, I was the same way, my parents raised me to say sir, and I still say "sir" on the end of just about everything. My wife doesn't like it when I say "ma'am" when I'm talking to her, and it took about 3 years to get to where I can carry on a conversation with her and not say "ma'am."