Hi...I want to suggest the inclusion of this functionality in the SF Maintenance: A ContextMenuStrip control synchronized with the MaintenanceFormToolStrip.
The alterations made in the properties of MaintenanceFormToolStrip (example: IncludeSaveAndUndoButtons) would be synchronized in ContextMenuStrip. The events and methods also.
I justify the inclusion of this functionality to be able to use to advantage the resource of the ShortcutKeys of ContextMenuStrip control.
In the example that I am sending, the commands Novo(Ins) and Exclui(Del) are with its marked properties of visualization as false.
They are there only for being able to interpret keyboard keys INS and DEL respectively.
In ContextMenuStrip control the developer could only modify the properties of shortcutkeys, changing its options.
It forgives me if the translation of the Portuguese for the English, made in the AltaVista Translation, was not good.
Rogério Mauri (From Brazil)