No, Kari, that's actually a bug... the SetValue method still needs to be overridden, even if the property is specified as ReadOnly.
ps. Is it possible to have the CREATED -field to be null rather than the System.DateTime.Today (The dartabase would take care of setting the value in case it's null)
Yes, Kari, you can. Basically, when you create a new record within the business object, the business object will initialize the fields within the new row so that there are no NULL values. If you want all of the fields to be null, then you can set the AllowNullValues property on the business object to True, and the BO will not initialize the values (leaving the NULLs). But, if you just want NULL values on those 2 fields, then your best bet is to do this:
Within the SetDefaultValues() event handler of the business object, put these 2 lines:
Me.CurrentRow.Item("Created") = DbNull.Value
Me.CurrentRow.Item("Created_By") = DbNull.Value
This will initialize those 2 fields with null values. Your properties will still return the alternate values, but those null values will be saved back to the database.