Let me repeat the steps ;
Connection (StrataFrame Data Store points Strataframe database in my local machine.)
The new profile (TestLocalizationUpdate),
Import Database (StrataFrame Sample),
Deployment Package wizard (Source : StrataFrame, Destination : StrataFrameSample)
Deployment Items added into the list. Check source and destination settings. Everything seems okey.
"Create package for install" button does not work. (See my first message)
So I will work with sample installer.
It is interesting, I've selected the package but Database Deployment Wizard's "select sql server combo" does not work. (SQL server instances were not listed.)
(Another question may be asked ? Why this sample asks for the connection ? Source and Destination connections are in the package ?)
I've seen bin files included in my package. (So connection is valid and this part of work is running)
I want to verify my information ; DDT requires Destination Database (with the same name as destination) and all or part of items to compare with the destination database for upgrading. Is it true ?
In my case, I have imported all Strataframesample database items but my need is only messaging tables. The process has failed with CustomerCreditCards Table.