First, as Keith mentioned, you can check your Object Name History. However, I do not think that is your issue here. It sounds to me like you have one schema name deployed on the server (i.e. dbo) and are trying to deploy a different schema (M01). This can cause an issue.
- I have created whole database design by DDT - I haven't set anything on SQL server side. Actually my database contains table in 4 different schemas (correspoding to logic application modules)
In the 1.6.5 build we changed the logic of the DDT so that IT people can add their own sprocs, views, and UDFs to a database and they will be left alone byt eh DDT. Previously we deleted them all. We now set an extended property on the object so that we can tell which were deployed by the DDT. The other problem you could be fighting here is that the sproc ProductType_Delete was manually added on the database and then added into the DDT...which this could potentially cause the error.
- No, I haven't created any SP manually - all stored procedures has been created by DDT when checking "Create ... Stored procedure" in table properties
Finally, the last thing to check, is if you have a table name called ProductType and are allowing the DDT to created the DELETE sproc for you and you also have a sproc of this name...this would create a conflict and could present this error.
- As I have mentioned before, I have created tables and everything else was created automatically. I do not know what and where to set.
One thing to always try and do when you run into things like this is to deploy to a fresh database name (one that doesn't exist) or server so that you can troubleshoot the problem more easily.
- Well, I have deleted the database from SQL server. Then used DDT to deploy the project to database - everything succesfull, no error. The I tried to deploy the same project again - everything successfull (tables, indexes, primary keys etc.) - except stored procedures. The behavior is the same that I have described before.
If you can't get any of this to work, post your package file here and we will take a look at it and tell you where your issue is.
- I have attached my project and resulting log.
Thank You for Your assistence