How to implement shortcut keys on toolstripbutton

Greg McGuffey
Greg McGuffey
Strategic Support Team Member (3.3K reputation)
Group: Forum Members
Posts: 2K, Visits: 6.6K
I can't figure out how to set a keyboard shortcut on a ToolstripButton (I'm assuming that there is an easy way), so the user can use Clt-S to save for example.

So, is there an easy way to do this? Or do I have to do this the hard way (capturing keyboard input, yada, yada)?


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Greg McGuffey - 16 Years Ago
Trent L. Taylor - 16 Years Ago
Greg McGuffey - 16 Years Ago
Trent L. Taylor - 16 Years Ago
                     OK, I'm missing something. :blush:

I don't know how to...
Greg McGuffey - 16 Years Ago
                         Instead of overriding it at the toolstrip or toolstripbutton level,...
Trent L. Taylor - 16 Years Ago
                             Ahhhhh...the light bulb went off. I get it. Thanks, that does make...
Greg McGuffey - 16 Years Ago
                                 Cool :)
Trent L. Taylor - 16 Years Ago

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