Does the Phone type table have a field to hold the Parent Table Name which will be used to relate the Parent PK?
No, just the primary key value (i.e. BigInt, Guid, etc.) Then you will have a type field which is an integer and you will create an Enum for within your application and assign to this as a Custom Data Type in the BO Mapper. This is how you will identify to which table the record belongs. You will not want to use a string and the table name as this will be much slower on queries and it prevents you from changing table names, etc. if the need arises.
The Parent PK field, is this field automatically related to the Parent Table in the BO or is this handle manually whenever you add a phone from each particular form?
You can automatically manage this on your manager class. You will create two properties on your class.
ParentBusinessObject As BusinessLayer - The Parent table reference
BusinessObject As BusinessLayer - The Notes table
You will also have a property of the enum value that you create that identifies the parent table:
ParentType As MyNotesEnum
This will tell you how to treat the ParentBusinessObject property and pull the PK. You could do this by using the PrimarykeyField property on the BO as well, but you will still need the enum property so that you can set this value on the NoteItems record when created so you know how to get it back out of the database.