I created an user on the database server with rights and I instal again StrataFrame and now it works. StrataFrame works on windows server 2003 by TS.Great !Thanks for your helps
I'll try and I'll let you know.
I have no StrataFrame Database on my server and I can't create it. I did a repair of StrataFrame and no possibility to create it so how can I do ?
It sounds like you are facing a permissions issue.
Have a look at this post: http://forum.strataframe.net/FindPost15562.aspx
Let us know if you get it going.
I succeed by copying the files which works on my computer to the server.But at each start, I have the DataBase Connection Wizzard that appears.Can I desactivate it ?
Thanks in advance.David
I created the folder MSEnvShared\AddIns and copied the StrataFrame2008.Addin
And when I start Visual Studio 2008 I have these messages.
Why when I install SF on my computer with Windows XP it works correctly and when I try on the server with windows 2003 server nothing works ??