I would appreciate it if our license count was reset - the website won't let me do it. Long story short I am changing dev boxes and in the process I started getting errors with the bo mapper so I tried 1.4.1 but couldn't get it to work so I rolled back to 1.4.0 and now I can't activate it because I can't deactivate the previous registration. When I start the activation application I get the attached stack dump (LicActError.txt).
On the box that is working (sorta) whenever I try to access the business object mapper I get the following stack trace (BOInitError.txt) (1.4.0).
So I'm down two dev boxes in terms of SF & I got a deadline coming up - kinda a bummer.
Deployment - well that is another issue entirely.
Tx - J
Note for others: part of the problem was referencing another database server (9.0) where named pipes was disabled and remote connections were disabled. This is the default setting in developer edition and some others.
Ref: attachments - I got bitten by the thirty minute timeout for them.